Knot Magick

Knot Magick

Knot magic works partly with the principle ofbinding, which is a type of bidding spell, andalso with that of weaving, which wastraditionally a female intuitive occupation. Itutilizes ribbon, rope, str...

Good Luck Knot Spell

Find yourself some red, white, yellow/gold, blue, and green string (or ribbon, yarn, embroidery thread, whatever).Cut them into about 10 inch pieces. Ideally, the string should wrap around your wrist ...

The Witch’s Knot

The Witch’s Knot, also known as the Witch’s Charm or Magic Knot, is comprised of four interlocking vesica piscis shapes. The knot can also be found with a central circle. The vesica piscis...

AIR MAGICK, Knot the Wind

Items Needed. Three-strand of blue cord. A Compass. The calling or raising of the wind is can be seen as a very outdated magickal process, initially used when the wind was vital for cruising. Witches ...

The Witch’s knot

The Witch’s knot is a common symbol in folk magic. The witch’s knot is a symbolic representation of the knot magic practiced by witches in the middle ages, and was used as a sympathetic charm against ...

Magickal Knots

Knot magick, sometimes referred to as cord magick, relies mainly on the powers of concentration and visualization. The cord and tying of the knots are points of focus that will link the thought-form t...

Knot Magick

The knot is a symbol of linking, bonding, or the connection to protective powers. The Egyptians used the knot to symbolize life and immortality. The Isis knot, which resembles an ankh with its arms at...


The tying and untying of knots is used to bind and release energy in many folk magic spells and formulas. The ancient Egyptians and Greeks tied knots in cords for love spells. The “knot of Isis,” a re...

Cord Magick

Gather around let me tell you about this amazing old folk magical art that has pretty much been utilized by cultures around the world. for those of you that are a little crafty, this could be somethin...