

Imbolc is a time of magical energy related to the feminine aspect of the goddess, of new beginnings, and of fire. It’s also a good time to focus on divination and increasing your own magical gifts and abilities. Take advantage of these concepts, and plan your workings accordingly. Because of its proximity to Valentine’s Day, Imbolc also tends to be a time when people start exploring love magic–if you do, be sure to read up on it first!

Imbolc Cleansing Ritual Bath: To perform a ritual cleansing bath, you’ll first want to set the mood. Try to do this with some semblance of privacy, so you can have peace and quiet. This is supposed to be restful and empowering–and it’s hard to achieve those if you’re yelling at the kids to keep the noise down. If other people live in your home, either send them away while you’re taking your bath, or ask that you not be disturbed for a while.

You may wish to light some candles. Bathroom lighting tends to be harsh, and there’s something very soothing about bathing by candlelight. Some people prefer to turn off the overhead lighting and just use natural light instead, which is easily done if you have a window in your bathroom. You may also want to light some incense, if there’s a particular scent you find soothing or inspiring.

Finally, some people like to add music. Put in a CD of your favourite instrumental music, or of natural sounds. Noises like whale songs, waterfalls, rainfall or ocean waves are all appropriate. If you prefer not to have any music, that’s fine too–it’s really a matter of what relaxes you best.

As you run the bath, you’ll want to incorporate herbs that are associated with cleansing. The best way to do this is to tie herbs into a muslin cloth or bag, and hang it on the faucet so that the warm bathwater runs through it into the tub. Herbs associated with cleansing and purification include, but are not limited to:




Lemon Balm







Once you’ve filled the bath with warm water, running through the herbal mix, immerse yourself in the tub. Make sure you’re completely relaxed–for some people, this may take a few minutes, but that’s okay. Try to clear your mind completely. Focus on the warmth enveloping your body. Breathe deeply, taking in the scents of the herbal oils in the water. If you’ve got music playing, allow your mind to wander wherever the music may take you–a sandy beach, a forest glade, wherever.

Close your eyes, and become attuned to the rhythms of your own body.

Visualise, for a moment, all the negative energy in your body. As you focus on this, imagine it being swept out of your body, bit by bit, one particle at a time, through the pores of your skin. See it being released from your body, and diluted into the water. While the negative energy is leaving your body, think about how rejuvenating the bath is. See your body, your spirit, your soul being cleansed and purified by the herbs and the water.

When you feel ready, stand up and get out of the tub. After you’ve gotten out of the water, release the plug so that all the negativity absorbed by the water can be drained away.

Talaj is a Pagan practitioner in Florida. She says, “Where I live, it’s not too chilly at Imbolc–we don’t have snow or anything–but it’s still cooler than normal.

A hot bath full of herbs helps me get grounded, reminds me that winter is going to end eventually, and is a really good way for me to relax and reconnected to my gods.”

Important note: if you only have a shower stall, and not a bathtub–or if you just don’t have time for a long bath–you can do this cleansing rite as a shower. Hang the cloth bag of herbs over the shower-head, so that the herbal water runs over your body while you shower.