


Scrying is the act of staring into something – often a shiny surface, but not always – for the purpose of divination. Visions and images are then interpreted intuitively by the individual doing the scrying. Many people prefer to scry using shiny surfaces – mirror, a crystal ball, even water – but another popular method is that of fire scrying. This ritual uses the element of fire, which is associated with change, destruction and renewal.


The best way to perform this ritual is outside, but realistically, that’s not always practical or safe. So, find a place, indoors or out, where you can light a large fire that will burn for a while. If you really can’t light a large fire, you can always do this ritual with candle flames. Some people prefer to use a single candle, while others may use several — use whichever you prefer.

Make sure you’ll be undisturbed during this ritual – turn off the cell phone, send the kids and spouse to a movie, and eliminate other distractions. You may want to have a notepad handy so you can write down what you see, and some people find it helpful to play meditative music in the background as they are scrying.

Some people even do a bit of yoga before scrying. Benjamin Rowe suggests, “Four of the traditional practices of yoga are intended to reduce and eliminate such distractions. Asana and (to a small extent) pranayama deal with physical distractions; pratyahara with external distractions, and dharana with mental distractions.

These high-discipline practices are more than most people will need;… perfection isn’t necessary, just something “good enough”.

If you normally wear a ritual robe, you may wish to do so, but it’s not required. Likewise, if your tradition requires you to cast a circle, feel free to do so before you begin.


Light your fire (or candle, if that’s what you’re using) and take some time to watch it. Let the flames grow taller and bolder and brighter, as each bit of kindling catches fire. Breathe deeply and evenly, allowing yourself to relax and become comfortable as the fire blazes. When you have a good strong fire going, focus your vision on the center of the dancing flames. Don’t worry about staring too hard, just rest your eyesight wherever is the most comfortable.

Draw the energy of the flames toward you, allowing yourself to feel their power. It can heal or harm, create or destroy. Fire is associated with strong will and power.

Watch as the fire flickers and flashes. Do you see images in the flames? Some people see clear images, while others see shapes in the shadows, mere hints of what is within. Look for images that seem familiar or for those that may repeat in a pattern.

Do you hear sounds as you watch the fire? You may hear the crackling of wood, the roar of larger flames, the snapping of embers. Some people report hearing faint voices singing or speaking in the fire.

Thoughts and ideas may pop into your head, seemingly unrelated to anything you see or hear. Be sure to use your notepad or journal so you can write these things down for future exploration.

Spend as much time as you like watching the fire — once you start to get uncomfortable or fidgety, it’s time to wrap things up.

Messages often come to us from other realms and yet we frequently don’t recognize them. If a bit of information doesn’t make sense, don’t worry — sit on it for a few days and let your unconscious mind process it. Chances are, it will make sense eventually. It’s also possible that you could receive a message that’s meant for someone else — if something doesn’t seem to apply to you, think about your circle of friends, and who it might be meant for.


When you’re ready to end your scrying session, take a few moments to just relax, looking away from the fire. You may feel a high sense of energy, or an unusual sensation of clarity — if you do, don’t worry, that’s not uncommon.

You can either leave the fire burning, if it will be safe to do so, or you can extinguish it yourself.

Be sure to review your notes later, so you can reflect on the things you’ve seen. If you scry regularly, get in the habit of comparing notes from one session to the next, to see if there are messages or images that appear often.