Herbal Magick

Enchanting Herbs

Prior to actually using herbs in magic, they can be enchanted.

Enchantment (in a magical context) aligns the vibrations of the plants involved with your magical need.

Thus it is a process that increases the effectiveness of the herbs.

Enchantment may be performed on a single herb or a mixture, but should not be done until moments before the herb is to be used.

When several herbs are needed for a spell they may be enchanted together as a mixture or singly as each herb is introduced into the mixture.

A preliminary enchantment may be performed if the herb is collected from the wilds or a garden.

While actually cutting the herb for a specific spell the need should be stressed, as should the plant’s role in fulfilling that need, i.e., I gather you, rosemary, herb of the Sun, to increase my mental powers and concentration.

This begins the process of enchantment, although it is preliminary only.

The equipment is simple: a plain wooden or ceramic bowl, two candleholders, and a supply of colored candles.

Place the bowl in the center of the altar, the candleholders with correctly colored candles on either side.

The herbs to be enchanted should be placed around the bowl in their containers.

Light the candles and still your mind. Unplug the phone and lock the door.

If you wish, darken the room of artificial illumination. Enchant herbs (and perform all magic) only when you are alone and will be free from interruption.


Pour the needed amount of dried herb into the bowl. Sit or stand calmly and gaze into the herb.

Since its vibrations awaiting within the leaves and flowers and stems; see them emerging from the plant or lying in wait.

Psychics can see the vibrations leaving the plants in various forms, such as sharp jagged lines, lazv spirals or blazing comets.

Lean toward the bowl and place your power hand within it, touching the herb. Leave it motionless for a few seconds.

Visualize your need strongly.


Run your fingers through the herb.

Still strongly visualizing your need, send it into the herb.

Feel your fingertips charging the herb with energy.

If you find trouble holding the image in your mind chant simple words that match your need,

such as:

Yarrow, yarrow, make love grow.

Chant this endlessly under your breath.

As you run your fingers through the herb feel them infusing the plant with your need.

When the herb is tingling with power (or when you sense that the enchantment is complete) remove your hand.

The plant has been enchanted.

If there are other plants to be used in a mixture, add them one at a time, re-enchanting the mixture with each addition.

If you wish to enchant herbs to be used separately, remove the enchanted herb from the bowl and wipe it clean with a dry towel.

Replace the candles with colors appropriate to the new herb and repeat the procedure.

When making incense, infusions, sachets, poppets and the like powder or grind herbs (if needed) before enchanting.

If roots or branches are to be enchanted, simply hold in your power hand, visualizing and chanting, or lay it on top of the bowl between the candles.

In earlier days to “enchant” meant to sing or chant to.

Once you have sung your song of need to the herbs, they are ready for use.

Of course enchantment isn’t absolutely necessary, but it is a method of obtaining better results. The wise herbalist will never omit enchantments.