Pomba gira spell for quick money You will need : 1 red tea light 1 pack of long white cigarettes 1 box of matches 3 red roses 1 bottle of Gin { airline bottles work well for this} 1 piece of pink paper 1 piece of red fabric
Write out your petition on the pink paper. Be sure to be specific about the amount of money you need and what you need it for. Fold the paper 3 times. Lay the petition on your altar. Lay the roses on the paper.
Light the red tea light. Open the matches and make sure 3 are sticking out of the box. Open the cigarettes and pull 3 half way out of the pack and lay them next to the matches. Open the Gin and place next to the roses. Ask Pomba Gira for help. Let the tea light burn out. Take everything wrapped in the red fabric to a T road or crossroad. Thank Pomba Gira for her help.
Working with the Enchantress Pomba Gira, 4.