Types of Ghosts 5, Doppelganger, and Fetch Spirits.
Now the doppelganger is a ghost that could be the soul of a dead human being OR the fetch of a human being. This spirit is the “spiritual twin” of a living individual. What is a fetch, you ask? A fetch spirit is a person’s astral double that may separate from the human’s body ad may go out to do the person’s bidding. Sometimes they might have a mind of their own. However, another theory is the doppelganger is more of an omen…meaning it’s the spirit of a person who is on death’s door that comes to warn his or her loved ones of their own impending death.
I see these two types of ghosts as nearly the same thing. One of the most famous historical examples of a doppelganger is the story of teacher Emilie Sagee. Multiple students saw her doppelganger standing beside her, mirroring her image at the chalkboard. A few times following this event, her doppelganger was seen again at different places at the school. Keep in mind, the fetch spirit is frequently employed by witches to travel otherworldly realms and do their own bidding. And as for a famous story of a fetch spirit, how about the Bell Witch? This was a living woman who was able to haunt her enemy’s home to the extent that hundreds of people witnessed it!