Folk Magick / Healing Magick / Health Magick

Folk Medicine and Remedies Sore throat

Folk Medicine and Remedies Sore throat

  • 1-2 cups of Fenugreek tea a day. 2 tbsp of Fenugreek powder to 1⁄4 l (~8.5 fl oz) of boiling water, drink it after it’s cooled (you should avoid hot drinks when you have a throat infection).
  • Put 1 tbsp of Apple vinegar in a glass of tepid water. Gurgle with it several times a day. Small sips every 5 minutes if the soreness is further down.
  • Gurgle with salt water for 5 minutes straight several times a day.
  • Gurgle with sage several times a day (2 tsp of sage in 1⁄4 l (~8.5 fl oz) of water which is heated up towards the boiling point). Nursing women should avoid sage, it hampers lactation.