You will need the following items for this spell:
Your favorite drinking mug/cup
Stirring spoon or stick
Desired drink (While tea is the example I’m using, any drink that requires stirring can work!)
Firstly, prepare your tea. While it is brewing, keep your mind calm and clear. Focus is important, as with any spell, so you want your mind as free as possible.
When your tea is finished (and still hot!), add any ingredients you enjoy (If you don’t take anything in your tea or beverage, skip straight to the stirring step) Such as sugar, honey, mint candies, etc. As you add these ingredients, take soothing deep breaths as if meditating.
Now for the stirring, which is the most important bit. To bring something into your life, whether it be money, luck, or even friendship, you must stir clockwise. To banish something from your life, such as depression, anger, or bad luck, stir counterclockwise.
As you stir, bring an image to your mind of what you want brought to you or banished. Stare into the cup as you stir, focusing on the center of the swirling liquid.
Next, say the names of the things you want brought or banished, aloud or in your head, as you stir. Example:
To bring luck, love, happiness and fortune, you would say; “Bring Luck, love, happiness and fortune into my life”
To banish sadness, anger, hate and misfortune, you would say; “Banish sadness, anger, hate and misfortune from my life”
Once you’ve finished chanting, however many times you feel necessary, drink your beverage and continue your time as you normally would.