(Rhamnus purshiana) P N Lt I Ab Ii Ch-12Folk Name: Sacred Bark, Bitter Bark, EcorceSacree, Yellow Bark, Cittim BarkPowers: Legal Matters, Money, ProtectionMagical Uses: Sprinkle an infusion of cascara...
(Daucus carota) The seed: PFolk Names: Bird’s Nest, Philtron, Gizri,Queen Ann’s LaceGender: MasculinePlanet: MarsElement: FirePowers: Fertility, LustMagical Uses: The seeds, eaten, help womenbecome pr...
Jacaranda procera, Prosopis dulcis,Ceratonia siliqua) Fruit: GFolk Names: Caaroba, Caroba, Carobinha,ChocolatePowers: Protection, HealthMagical Uses: Carry or wear to maintaingood health, and to guard...
(Dianthus carophyllus) Sk DgFolk Names: Gillies, Gilliflower, Jove’sFlower, Nelka, Scaffold Flower, Sops-InWine Gender: MasculinePlanet: SunElement: FireDeity: JupiterPowers: Protection, Strength, Hea...
(Elettaria cardamomum) GGender: FemininePlanet: VenusElement: WaterDeity: ErzuliePower: Lust, LoveMagical Uses: The ground seeds are addedto warmed wine for a quick lust potion.They are also baked int...
(Capparis spinosa)Folk Names: Fakouha, Lasafa, ShafallahGender: FemininePlanet: VenusElement: WaterPowers: Potency, Lust, LoveMagical Uses: A man who suffers fromimpotency has but to eat some capers a...
(Rhamnus purshiana) P N Lt I Ab Ii Ch-12Folk Name: Sacred Bark, Bitter Bark, EcorceSacree, Yellow Bark, Cittim BarkPowers: Legal Matters, Money, ProtectionMagical Uses: Sprinkle an infusion of cascara...
(Carum carvi) GFolk Names: Kummel, AlcaraveaGender: MasculinePlanet: MercuryElement: AirPowers: Protection, Lust, Health, Anti-theft,Mental PowersMagical Uses: The caraway serves as protectionagainst ...
(Camellia japonica)Gender: FemininePlanet: MoonElement: WaterPowers: RichesMagical Uses: The camellia brings riches andluxury, and so is used in spells of this kind.Place the fresh blossoms in vessels...
Few are poisonous, ingest only thoseused for food.Powers: Protection, ChastityMagical Uses: Cacti of all kinds areprotective, owing to their spines.Grown indoors, they protect againstunwanted intrusio...
(Borago officinalis) Herb: X; Seed oil: GFolk Names: Bugloss, Burrage, Herb ofGladness, Star Flower, Borak, Lisan selvi,Lesan-El-TourGender: MasculinePlanet: JupiterElement: AirPowers: Courage, Psychi...
(Ocimum basilicum)In quantities above average food quantities:P N X for infant and toddlers.Folk Names: Albahaca, American Dittany,“Our Herb,” St. Joseph’s Wort, Sweet Basil,Witches Herb, Njilika, Bal...
(Hordeum spp. vulgare) Sprouted Seed: PFolk Name: MaltGender: FemininePlanet: VenusElement: EarthPowers: Love, Healing, ProtectionMagical Uses: Use the grain or barley waterin love spells.If you have ...
(Coriandrum sativum) GFolk Names: Chinese Parsley, Cilantro,Cilentro, Culantro, Uan-Suy,Stinkdillsamen, Hu-SuiGender: MasculinePlanet: MarsElement: FirePowers: Love, Health, HealingMagical Uses: Coria...
(Symphytum officinale) XFolk Names: Assear, Black Wort, Boneset,Bruisewort, Consohda, Consound, GumPlant, Healing Herb, Knit Back, Knit Bone,Miracle Herb, Slippery Root, Wallwort,Yalluc, Gavez, Smeerw...
(Aquilegia canadensis, A. vulgaris) Seed:PoisonFolk Name: Lion’s HerbGender: FemininePlanet: VenusElement: WaterPowers: Courage, LoveMagical Uses: Rub your hands on the herbto induce courage and darin...