
How to Anoint your Candles

Any oil can be used for dressing a candle but initially it is best to use either your favourite essential oil, such as frankincense, or perhaps an oil infused with a suitable herb appropriate to the task in hand. There are various ways to dress a candle but what is important is the direction in which you anoint it. If you remember that working from the top down draws in power from spiritual sources, and working from the bottom up draws in energy from the earth, it is very easy to work correctly for your purpose. Never rub the candle with a back and forth movement, as you will end up with a confusion of energies – not to say a sputtering candle.

You will need:




✤ Sit quietly and, holding the candle, think carefully about your intent. If you have learned to meditate, then enter a meditative state and allow the energies to build up within you.

✤ To bring something to you, rub oil on the candle in a downward motion from the top to the middle and then from the bottom to the middle.

✤ To send something away from you, you rub the oil from the middle of the candle out to the ends.

✤ Continue with either movement until you have a sense that you have done enough. If you have any oil left on your hands either rub your hands together until the oil is absorbed or dab the remaining oil from your fingers onto the centre of your forehead, which is the Third Eye and the seat of vision. Then say the following or something similar:

I cleanse and consecrate this candle (in the name of your chosen deity of you choose to use one). May it burn with strength in the service of the Greater Good.

Your candle is now ready for use.