
Herbal Tea Remedies

There are so many ways that our immune systems can be overwhelmed … it’s in our air, our water, our food, our workplace, our stress. This blend of organic and wild herbs is not only helpful but comforting, strengthening and tasty.

1 part red clover blossoms
1 part nettle leaves
1 part pau d’Arco
1 part alfalfa & sage leaves
1 part St.Johns wort tops
1 part ginger root

Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes.Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

After Dinner Carminative Tea

1 cup water
1 tablespoon fennel seeds

Bring the water and fennel seeds to a boil with the lid on the pan and let sit for 15 minutes and enjoy this calming cup of tea. Fennel is a wonderful herb for digestion and can help your body increase its ability to digest a big meal or a meal with lots of fat.

Allergy Season Blend

Cool minty, citrus flavour to assist you with the discomfort associated with allergy season.

1 part nettle
1 part peppermint
1 part spearmint
1 part yerba santa
1 part eyebright
1 pat lemongrass leaves
1 part calendula
1 part red clover
1 part lavender flowers
1 part fennel seeds
a pinch of stevia

Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes. Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

Aphrodite Blend Tea

A sensuous, aromatic blend with just the right tint of zest for your palate, and sure to kindle flames! A delicate, but dashing combination makes this one of your most enjoyable cups of tea.

1 part Damiana leaves
1 part rose petals
1 part peppermint leaves
1 part muira puama
1 part gingko leaves
1 part orange peel
1 part cinnamon bark chips
pinch of stevia.
Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes.

Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

Bladder Infections Tea

1 ½ oz dried Goldenrod
¼ oz Juniper Berries*
¾ oz chopped Dandelion root
¾ oz chopped Rose Hips

Pour 1 cup boiling water over 2 tsp of mixture. Steep 10 minutes & strain.
*can become toxic, so only drink 2 cups of this mixture daily for no more than 3 days*

Blood Builder Tea

1 tsp Rose Hips-crushed
1 Tsp Butcher’s Broom
1 Tsp Yellow Dock

Bring 31/2 cups of water to a boil. Remove water from heat and add herbs. Place a tight lid on the pot. Let the mixture steep for five to ten minutes. Drink one cup three times daily. Yields three cups.

Blossoms of Health Tea

Beautiful to look at, nectar to taste and good for you. A popular tea. Spirited, uplifting and energizing.

1 part ginkgo leaves
1 part red clover tops
1 part nettle leaves
1 part meadowsweet leaves
1 part calendula
2 parts chamomile
2 parts lavender flowers
1 part gotu kola leaves
a pinch of stevia.

Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes.
Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

Blues Tea

1 part Nettle leaves,
1 part St Johns wort tops
2 parts spearmint
1 part damiana leaves
1 part kava kava root
a tiny pinch of stevia to taste

Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes. Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

Breast Health Tea

2 parts calendula
2 parts red clover
1 part cleavers
1 part lady’s mantle
Spearmint or peppermint (optional; for flavor)

Prepare as an infusion, using 1 ounce of herbs per quart of water, and letting steep overnight. Drink 3 to 4 cups daily.

Bronchial Congestion Tea

1 ½ oz Aniseed
1 oz Calendula flowers
¾ oz Marshmallow root
1/3 oz Licorice root

Crush anise seeds and add to herbs. Pour 1 cup boiling water over 1 tsp mixture; cover & steep 10 minutes.

Calming Tea 1

1 oz Lemon balm
1 oz Chamomile flowers
½ oz St Johns Wort

Steep 2 tbs of mixture in 1 cup boiled water. Cover 10 minutes; strain.

Calming Tea 2

1 Part Sage
1 Part Thyme
1 Part Marjorham
1 Part Chamomile

Blend ingredients in a tea ball and put in a mug of hot water.

Colds and Flu Tea

1 oz Blackberry leaves
1 oz Elder flowers
1 oz Linden flowers
1 oz Peppermint leaves

Pour 1 cup boiling water over 2 tbs mixture. Cover & steep 10 minutes; strain.

Colds and Hoarseness Tea

2 oz Malva flowers
1 ½ oz Mullein flowers

Use 2 tbs of mixture per 1 cup hot water. Steep 10 minutes; strain. Drink only 2 – 3 cups per day for just a few days.

Coughing Fits Tea

1 1/3 oz. St. John’s Wort
2/3 oz. Thyme
2/3 oz. Linden Flowers

Use 1 tsp. of the herb mixture per cup of boiling water to soothe irritations of the upper respiratory tract that cause coughing. Steep for 5-10 min., strain, sweeten if necessary. This tea has proved helpful with bronchitis and whooping cough.

Crone Root Tea

For menopause and beginning a new cycle of life.

2 tablespoons wild yam
2 tablespoons licorice
3 tablespoons sarsaparilla
1 tablespoon chaste berry
1 tablespoon ginger
1 tablespoon false unicorn root
2 tablespoons sage
1 tablespoon cinnamon
½ tablespoon black cohash

Detoxification Tea

1 tsp Green Tea leaves

Simmer 1 cup water & pour over leaves. Cover & let stand 4 minutes.

Dream Tea

2 parts Rose
1 part Mugwort
1 part Peppermint
1 part Jasmine
½ part Cinnamon

Drink to cause dreams. Combine all ingredients thoroghly, fill tea diffuser @ 1 tsp. per cup of boiling water and as it steeps say;

Dual Purpose Tea

Do not drink more than 2 cups a day.

2 teaspoons dried German Chamomile flowers
1 cup boiling water

Steep the flowers in the boiling water, covered, for 15 minutes. Strain, then slowly sip the infusion to relieve nausea, stomach upset, and lessen menstrual cramps.

Echinacea & Roots Tea

A tasty way to help strengthen and support your natural resistance. A very popular tea.

1 partechinacea purpurea root
1 part pau d’arco
1 part dandelion root (raw and roasted)
1 part sarsaparilla bark
1 part cinnamon barks
1 part ginger root
1 part burdock roots
1 part sassafras bark
a pinch of stevia

Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes. Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

Evening Repose Tea

When the sun sets over the hill and the new moon dips her silver softness, savour the tranquility in our evening repose blend. It’s a perfect toast to the rising moon. A robust flavour of flowers and mint.

1 part roses
1 part lavender flowers
1 part lemon verbena leaves
1 part chamomile flowers
1 part each peppermint & spearmint leaves
1 part blue malva flowers
pinch of stevia

Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes. Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

Fever Reducer Tea

2 tsp dried Catnip
1 tsp dry Vervain

Pour 2 cups boiling water over herbs. Steep 10 minutes & strain.

Flashes Blend Tea

Brew up a pot and sip when needed.

1 part sage
1 part motherwort
1 part dandelion
1 part chickweed & violet leaves
1 part each elder flowers & oatstraw

Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes. Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.


2 medium cloves of freshly crushed garlic
1 cup of very warm water
1 teaspoon of honey
1 teaspoon of lemon juice

Stir and drink.

Fluid Retention Tea

1 oz Dandelion root
1 oz Dandelion leaves
2/3 oz Nettle leaves
2/3 oz Spearmint leaves
Steep mixture in 1 cup of water for 10 minutes

Tea for menstrual problems, fertility and childbirth.

3 tablespoons sassafras bark
2 tablespoons dandelion root
1 tablespoon ginger root
½ tablespoon cinnamon
1 tablespoon licorice root
½ tablespoon orange peel
1 tablespoon pau d’arco
¼ tablespoon dong quai root
1 tablespoon chaste berry
1 tablespoon wild yam

Forests Tea (formerly Lung Blend)

1 part echinacea purpurea
1 part elecampane
1 part ginger
1 part each pleurisy & licorice roots
1 part white oak bark
1 part cinnamon bark
1 part each orange peel and fennel seeds

Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes.
Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

Happy Man Tea Blend

1 part Siberian ginseng
1 part dandelion root
1 part nettle
1 part each marshmallow & burdock roots
1 part each hawthorn & saw palmetto berries
1 part fennel seeds
1 part wildoats
a pinch of stevia

Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes. Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

Climb into bed and enjoy!

Happy Tummy Tea

Put a smile on your face with this soothing and yummy tea.

1 part catnip
1 part spearmint & lemongrass leaves
1 part calendula flowers
1 part skullcap
1 part rosemary & sage leaves
1 part fennel seeds

Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes. Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

Headache Tea


Put a pinch of each herb in a coffee filter and place in your coffee maker. Wait a half hour before drinking this mix, this should make you tired so you can sleep your headache away.

Healing Ginger tea

2 cups of water
4 tablespoons freshly grated ginger root

Place in pan with a lid on, bring to a boil, turn off the heat and let sit for two hours. Re-heat the tea, strain the herb from the tea and drink.

Insomnia Tea

1 ½ oz dried Vervain leaves
1 oz Chamomile
½ oz Spearmint

Mix all and add to 1 cup boiling water. Steep 8 minutes; strain.

Less Stress Tea

Relieves stress, relaxes low back and neck areas.

1 part chamomile
1 part mint
1 part calendula flowers

Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes. Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

Mellow Mood Tea

This tea is made with the most palatable of the calming herbs. Blended together, they’ll defuse stress and anxiety and promote sound sleep.

1 teaspoon chamomile flowers
1 teaspoon lavender spikes
1 teaspoon kava leaves
1 teaspoon lemon balm leaves
1 teaspoon marjoram
1 spray valerian flowers
1 quart water

In a large saucepan, steep the chamomile, lavender, kava, lemon balm, marjoram, and valerian to taste in the freshly boiled water. Strain out the plant material. Drink the tea hot or cool as often as needed, refrigerating any left over for later use.

CAUTION: Chamomile is in the rag weed family, and many are allergic to herbs.

Memory Zest Blend

A mentally refreshing beverage, to help give you feelings of clarity and precision.

1 part ginkgo
1 part gotu kola and peppermint leaves
1 part red clover tops
1 part rosemary leaves
1 part ginger root
a pinch of stevia

Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes. Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

Migraine Tea

1 2/3 oz dried St Johns Wort
1 oz Valerian
1 oz Linden flowers
¼ oz Juniper berries

Use 1 tsp of mixture per 1 cup boiling water. Steep 10 minutes & strain.

Moon Ease Tea

For that time of the month.

2 parts crampbark
1 part chaste tree berries
1 part each spearmint & skullcap leaves
1 part marshmallow root
1 part passionflower herb
1 part ginger root

Procedure- Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes. Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

My Nerves Are Shot Tea

Uses: Sleeplessness and Insomnia
Job-related stress
Panic attacks

2 parts Chamomile
1 part Jasmine
1 part Hops
1 part Lavender
1 part Yerba Santa
1 part Gota Kola
1 part St. John’s Wort

Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favourite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes. Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

Natural Concentration Tea

Helps you to become more creative in designing a more natural environment in your home.

1 part Celendula
1 part mint,
1 part sage (flowers only)
1 part yarrow leaves

Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes. Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

Nausea Tea

½ tsp dried Ginger root
½ tsp Clove blossoms
1 tsp Chamomile flowers

Pour 1 cup boiling water over herbs. Steep 10 minutes, strain & let cool.

Nervous Stomach Tea

2 tsp Angelica root
2 tsp Lemon Balm leaves
½ tsp Fennel seed

Bring Angelica root to a simmer in 4 cups water. Turn off heat,add lemon balm & lemon; steep 10 minutes & strain.

Nervous Tension Tea

1 1/3 oz. St. John’s Wort
1 oz. Lemon Balm Leaves
1 oz. Valerian

Use 1 tsp of the herb mixture per cup of boiling water. Steep for 10 min., strain, sweeten if necessary. Drink a cup before going to bed each night for several weeks to calm nerves, lift depression, and help you fall asleep more easily.

“No-Sweat” Tea

4 cups boiling water
1 tsp. dried hops
1 tsp. stinging nettle
1 tsp. fresh cut rose petals
1 tsp. dried strawberry leaves
1 tsp. fresh walnut leaves
3 tbsp of dried sage leaves

Reduces perspiration within 2 hours of use with its effects lasting several days:

Combine all ingredients, cover and steep for an hour. Strain and sweeten with honey if desired.

Nursing Mother’s Tea

1 teaspoon crushed Fennel seeds
1 cup boiling water

Mix the seeds with the boiling water. Cover and steep for 10 minutes. Strain, and sip the infusion. Drinking a tea made with fennel helps to promote the secretion of breast milk in nursing mothers.

Pinkeye tea recipe

Fill a tea ball with equal parts


borage (alleviated inflammation and redness),

eyebright(excellent for conjunctivitis any other eye complaints)

elderflowers (beneficial for tired eyes).

Pour on 2 ½ cups boiling hot(fresh from the kettle)water allow to steep until cooled. add 5 drops witch hazel extract(coolant and antiseptic) and stir. wash eye(outside) gently with infusion and put one drop of infusion in eye as needed or desired. also can be used by soaking a cloth in the infusion and putting over the eye until you eye feels better. if your using this for a child leave out the witch hazel. this is good for anything where your eyes are painful inflamed and red.

Pleasant Dreams

1 cup mugwort

½ cup rose petals

½ cup chamomile

1/3 cup lavender flowers

1/3 cup catnip

2 tbsp mint

Quiet Child Tea

Good for anytime of the day or right before bedtime.
1 part raspberry leaves
1 part catnip
1 part each spearmint & skullcap leaves
1 part calendula flowers
a pinch of stevia

Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes.
Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

Quiet Time Tea

1 part oregano
2 parts Chamomile
1 part lemon balm
1 part lemon thyme

Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes. Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

Rejuvenation Tea

Etheric cleanser of old, stale thoughts and patterns of behavior for new beginnings and awakening.

1 part rose hips
1 part calendula flowers
1 part gallum (cleavers) flowers
1 part borage flowers
1 part nettles leaves

Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes. Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

Relaxation Tea

2 parts chamomile
1 part lemon balm
1 part lemon peel
1 part thyme

Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes. Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

Sleep Tea Recipe

2 tbls. Hops
1 tsp. Lavender
1 tsp. Rosemary
1 tsp. Thyme
1 tsp. Mugwort
1 tsp. Sage
1 Pinch of Valerian Root

Take a teaspoon of the mixture and pour into 1 cup of hot water. Let sit for 3 minutes then strain. Store the unused portion.

Soothing Tea

1 part mint
1 part hyssop
1 part oregano
1 part parsley
1 part lemon balm

Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes. Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

Spiced Relief

1 teaspoon anise seeds, crushed or ground
2-3 cinnamon sticks
1 inch of ginger, sliced
1-2 teaspoons dried loose Echinacea

Combine spices and Echinacea in a pot with three cups of water. Bring to a boil and then simmer for 15-20 minutes to make a decoction. Strain into a mug and add honey to taste. This is a multi-function tea. Anise acts as an expectorant, ginger soothes the cough, and cinnamon has anti-bacterial properties.

Tea For Health

1 tablespoon China black tea
2 teaspoon fennel
1 teaspoon mint
2 teaspoon rose hips
1 teaspoon elder flower
2 teaspoon hops
1 teaspoon mullein

Tea for Nervousness

1 ½ oz Peppermint leaves
1 ½ oz Lemon Balm leaves

Use 1 tsp of mixture per 1 cup boiling water. Steep 10 minutes & strain.

Tummy Tea

A wonderful tea blend to enjoy after a big meal or hectic day.

1 cup dried peppermint (or other)
1 tbsp dried rosemary
1 tsp dried sage

Crush ingredients and mix well. Store in an airtight container. Steep 1 heaping tsp in a cup of boiling water for 1 minute. Sweeten with honey.

Upset Stomach Tea

8 oz Peppermint leaves
8 oz Lemon Balm leaves
8 oz Fennel seeds

Use 1 tsp of mixture per 1 cup boiling water. Steep 10 minutes; strain.

Urinary Infection Tea

1 teaspoon uva ursi
½ teaspoon each corn silk, cramp bark, marshmallow root and rose hips
1 quart water

Simmer herbs in water for a couple of minutes, then steep them for 20 minutes. Strain herbs. Drink 2 to 4 cups daily. To make sure the infection is gone, continue taking the herbs for 2 days after the symptoms disappear.

Winter Tea

Just use equal parts of each, or pre-made tea bags…3 bags, one of boneset, 1 of echinacea, and 1 of peppermint.

Wise Woman Tea

A wonderful menopause tea. Gently calms, cools and balances.

1 part motherwort
1 part sage
1 part nettle leaves
1 part each lemon balm & mugwort leaves
1 part chaste tree berries
1 part horsetail

Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes. Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.