
A Short list of Magickal Oils


Benzoin reduces tension, stress, and melts away tension, anger, resentment, emotional pain, and frustrations.

Positively, benzoin increases self-confidence and attracts prosperity, both material and spiritual.

It mixes well with rose, pine, and lavender.


Bergamot soothes irritability and lifts depression or apathy, encouraging gentle but honest communication and the manifestation of a person’s true potential and inner self.

A citrus oil, bergamot mixes well with frankincense and ylang-ylang.


Cedarwood is a symbol of both spiritual and sexual awakening or reawakening perhaps after a period of loss or stagnation; excellent in meditation, it is an oil of youthfulness and a long and
happy life.

It mixes especially well with cypress, juniper and rosemary.


Known as the children’s oil and the oil of kindness, Chamomile is effective for every childhood problem, including hyperactivity, general restlessness and sleeplessness – it is also good for
adults with similar problems.

It mixes well with ylang-ylang, geranium, lavender and lemon.


Citronella is an oil of identity and independence, establishing the boundaries of the unique self and repelling those who would dominate or intrude on privacy, whether personally or
professionally; it also creates invisible boundaries around the home.

Citronella improves mental alertness and dispels exhaustion and inertia. It mixes well with lavender and jasmine.

Clary Sage:

Clary sage calms and drives away fears and bad dreams in adults and children.

It is also an oil of inspiration and positivity and, when problems loom large, replaces doubts with unconsidered options and with an assurance that all will be well.

It mixes well with ylang-ylang, rosemary and lavender.


Cypress is an oil of consolation after sorrow or loss, bringing acceptance, healing and the power to move forward. It promotes understanding and compassion towards distress of self and

It mixes well with lemon, juniper and geranium.


This is an oil of purification of mind, body and soul, driving out negativity and anger, as well as repelling the deliberate psychological and psychic attacks.

Eucalyptus will provide the impetus for action and decisions, especially when people and projects have reached an impasse.

The oil also offers clear focus and increased concentration.It mixes well with Cedarwood, clary sage, and peppermint.


Fennel is the oil of strength, courage and perseverance.

It mixes well with Chamomile and eucalyptus.


Frankincense is regarded as the noblest of oils, used in ceremonies and formal celebrations throughout the ages and considered in many cultures to be a gift from the deities,
bringing healing and power.

It offers confidence to aim high, attracting an abundance of all kinds, money, and success, but also granting access to higher dimensions and contact with angels and spirit guides.
It mixes well with cypress, sandalwood, and myrrh.


Geranium is a harmonizing oil, restoring peace and wellbeing to the home or workplace, encouraging positive, non-confrontational interactions, reconciling quarrels and melting away
emotional coldness and indifference in encounters.

It relieves tension, depression doubts, and despair, replacing them with gentle optimism.

It mixes well with lavender, rose, ylang-ylang, Cedarwood Chamomile, and indeed most other oils.


Ginger is an enhancer of love, passion, and money and encourages adventure and innovation.

It mixes well with bergamot, Cedarwood, and jasmine.


Jasmine is an uplifting oil, boosting both physical and mental potency and increasing love and passion.

It deflects potential hostility, transforming it into friendliness and a willingness to compromise.

It mixes with most other oils, especially rose and ylang-ylang.


Juniper is a purifying and cleansing oil, protecting against hostility and removing what is redundant.

It mixes well with rosemary, frankincense

It mixes well with frankincense and geranium.


Lime brings health and well-being to self and to family and home.

It generates enthusiasm and triggers self-healing and regeneration in body and mind.

It is protective against psychological and psychic attack and has natural restorative powers.

A citrus oil, it mixes well with eucalyptus and lavender.


Mandarin oil restores confidence self-love and self-esteem, offering protection against the barbs of unfair criticism, spite and gossip.

It enhances inner beauty and radiance.

A citrus oil, it mixes well with Cedarwood, geranium, and ylang-ylang.


Marjoram is an oil that relieves loneliness and a sense of isolation and alienation, awakening empathy with others. It is an oil of enduring love and fidelity.

It mixes well with lavender and rosemary.


Mimosa is an oil of the night, for secrets and secret love, bringing love and friendship, especially for older people.

It calms anxiety and over-sensitivity to criticism and brings harmony and happiness, melting away opposition and hostility.

It mixes well with bergamot and Chamomile.


This is a sacred ceremonial oil, like frankincense, and is burned in healing and purification rituals.

It mixes well with mandarin, pine, and patchouli.


This is orange-blossom oil, a symbol of marriage, committed relationships and fidelity, fertility, sensuality, and self-esteem. It prevents mood swings, crises of confidence and panic attacks.

It mixes well with geranium and jasmine.


Orange is the oil of abundance, joy, and fertility, attracting happiness, giving confidence and individuality, and calming anxiety and restlessness in children and adults.

A citrus oil, it mixes well with lavender and ylang-ylang.


Patchouli is the oil of prosperity and is used in money rituals, to bring employment and increase business opportunities.

It is also frequently used in ceremonies to heal the planet, as it is a natural restorer of balance.

It mixes well with geranium, myrrh, and pine.


Peppermint offers protection against illness, accident, hostility, and theft or damage to the home and also attracts money.

It mixes well with eucalyptus.


Pine is a purifier of all forms of negativity, hostile atmospheres, and dishonesty, protecting particularly against emotional blackmail.

It is an oil of courage and perseverance under difficulty, of integrity and clear focus.

It mixes well with juniper, lemon, and marjoram.


This is an oil of fidelity, happiness, partnerships and gentle healing, love, and especially self-love.

It mixes well with almost every other oil.


Rosemary is an oil for enhanced memory, concentration, justice, career, and success.

It mixes well with Cedarwood, frankincense and geranium.


Rosewood calms mind, body, and soul, creating a setting conducive to peace at home or work, especially if there are difficult negotiations, or potentially hostile visitors or phone calls; it will
also, clear away existing conflict.

Rosewood soothes hyperactive or restless children, and in adults brings acceptance of life as it is and the frailties of others.

It is good for energizing all forms of natural magick.

Rosewood mixes well with jasmine, neroli, and geranium.


Sandalwood is an oil of passion and sensuality; it also heightens meditative abilities and increases spiritual awareness, offering a path to make contact with the higher self and angelic or spirit

It mixes well with many other oils, especially Chamomile, lemon, patchouli, and rosemary.

Tea tree:

Tea tree is an oil of healing, especially absent healing; it will remove blockages in energy, and banish negativity, replacing it with optimism and channeling restlessness into positive aspects of

It mixes with sandalwood but is usually best used alone.


The oil of poets, ylang-ylang is associated with inspiration and love, especially self-esteem.

It counteracts a sense of frustration when things cannot be changed or achieved, and increases confidence and pleasure in possibilities that can be realized within the limitations of the present

It mixes well with clary sage, geranium, lemon, and Chamomile.