
Confidence Spell using Tigers Eye and a Golden Candle

The purpose of this simple confident spell is for increasing your self-worth and self-esteem. A tiger’s eye is used . This crystal strengths your solar plexus chakra, which is the seat for you will. A lack of confidence can be the result of a weakened solar plexus. In addition, Tiger’s eye is a crystal combining earth and solar energy, which produces a grounded confidence vibration.

You will need the following for this confidence spell:

Orgonite with tiger’s eye or Tiger’s eye

A golden candle

Sandalwood essential oil

Orange, yellow or red clothing (optional)

Confidence Spell

Lay all your tools out in the center of what is going to be your circle. Start by meditating on what you want the outcome of the spell to be. Make sure that you are clear about what your desired outcome is – in what aspects of life do you want to be more confident about? In future situations, how do you want to act. The more specific you can be, the better results you will have.

I call upon the energies of the Sun and the Earth,

To help me find my confidence and self-worth.

Then, light the candle and put it out in front of you. Cup the tiger’s eye in your hands. Then look into the flame. As you are, imagine that there is a golden light that is shining form above down on you (close your eyes if that helps you with visualizing this). Make the light as vibrant and beautiful as you can within your imagination. The light represents the unconditional love that the Universe has to give you. As you are bathing in the golden energy, imagine yourself in the eyes of the Goddess or God or the Universe. Think of the Universe as love you the way a parent does a child, which is loving you simply for your existence, without any conditions being attached. Then feel your heart open to the energy.See this light growing larger and larger, first filling up the circle and next the entire room. For the visualization, take as much time as necessary.

After you feel the room full of the light, open up your hands, and begin to feel all this energy being absorbed by the tiger’s eye crystal. Visualize the golden light as it pours into the crystal until all of it is contained within.

After you have finished, then close your circle. Hold onto the tiger’s eye and use it for tapping into unconditional love’s golden energy by meditating with it and holding it each time you feel the need for a boost of confidence. You will begin to naturally feel over time the confidence comes from really loving yourself unconditionally.