Spring Equinox / Ostara

Blessing Eggs

Blessing eggs are blown-out eggs that are refilled with herbs, oils and whatever else you want to use to symbolize a blessing you wish to receive yourself or you wish to give to someone else. To begin, make two holes, one at each end of the egg. Make one hole a little larger than the other so that you can fill the egg back up. Using the Ostara correspondence below, choose the herbs, flowers, oils and even coloured glitter to represent what it is you are looking for. For example, if you need more money coming in you will use green and oakmoss. If you are making one for a loved one with troubles sleeping you would use blue and lavender.

Fill the egg up as much as you want and use a small piece of masking tape to cover the larger hole. Next you should paint and decorate the egg to also correspond with the blessing you want to receive or give. You can use regular craft paints to paint the eggs. Try adding words, symbols, sigils or runes to the egg to boost its power.

Once the eggs are finished, place them on your altar during your Ostara ritual. Take a moment during your ritual to ask your deities to bless the eggs and yourself (or a loved one) with what it is you are asking for. If you have made the egg for someone else, give it to them after you have completed your ritual. Both you and your loved one may then decide if you want to display your eggs in a location where you will often see them, or “plant” them so the blessings may grow by burying them somewhere. This can be a vegetable or flower garden or even in a planter if you don’t have a garden.



Green – Abundance, calming, fertility, growth, health, new beginnings, prosperity

Light blue – Calmness, patience, tranquillity, understanding

Pink – Affection, contentment, harmony, honour, love, spiritual healing, spring, tenderness, virtue

Silver – The Goddess, intuition, the inner self, night, psychic abilities, spiritual truth

Violet – Healing, intuition, self-improvement, spiritual awareness

White – Childhood, cleansing, divination, healing, innocence, peace, purification, truth

Yellow – Attraction, creativity, communication, joy, planning, psychic ability, the sun, vitality


Lemongrass – Psychic awareness, purification

Irish moss – Luck, money

High John root – Attraction, blessings, divination, happiness, love, luck, peace, prosperity, psychic abilities, strength, support, well-being


Apple Blossom – Celebrating life cycles, friendship, love, peace

Columbine – Courage

Crocus – Attracts love

Daffodil – Fertility, honours the gods and goddesses of spring, love, wishing

Daisy – Attracts love and lust

Honeysuckle – Honesty, psychic awareness, prosperity

Jasmine – Dreams, love, peace, sex, spirituality

Narcissus – Harmony, love, peace

Orange Blossom – Beauty, love, marriage

Primrose – Attracts spring faeries and love

Rose – Beauty, love, luck, peace, protection, psychic powers, sex

Tulip – Dreams, happiness, love, purification

Violets – Healing, love, luck, lust, peace, sleep, spiritual healing, wishes


Alder – Clarity, divination, guidance, intuition, rebirth, renewal, transformation, truth, visions

Apple – Attraction, beauty, beginnings, blessings, divination, fertility, innocence, insight, love, renewal, relationships, strength, well-being


Agate – Courage, love, protection, strength

Aquamarine – Courage, peace, psychic awareness, purification, self-expression

Bloodstone – Courage, self-confidence, strength

Scents for oils or incense:

Apple blossom

Clean crisp air










Orange blossom




Any spring floral scent