
Charge Of The God

For some practitioners, this charge is less important, but some may  believe that the male polarity or energies
are an integral part not only of the seasonal Wheel of the Year, but also of human experience, whether
you are working alone or as part of a coven. It is one I have found helpful, but you can create your
own through a god meditation by visualising a god form that seems relevant to you.

These are the words of the Father, who is son and consort of the Great Mother, born in the beginning
of She who created the universe from her own body, from her smiles and tears and ever-fertile womb.
‘I am He, the wild untamed power of the hunt, the horned beasts and the woodland, that offers food,
shelter and protection to people of all races, clans and creeds. I am Cernunnos, horned Lord of Winter;
as Master of the Animals and Lord of the Corn, I offer willing sacrifice for the land and people; as
King of the Dark Places beneath the soil, in the nurturing womb of the Mother, like all creatures who
have entered the gentle Earth, I grow strong again, resting but never slumbering, until I hear the call at
the darkest and coldest hour to be reborn as Lugh, radiant son; at that hour I bring the promise that the
Sun will not die, but as the wheel turns bring lighter days and the promise of spring as the mid-winter
yoke is conquered once more.

‘I bring power, strength, courage and nobility to defend the weak and the vulnerable, and to give of
my life blood to maintain what is of worth and just and lovely. Mine is not the path of ease, but of
ecstasy in the wild wood where the untamed instincts bow only to natural law and natural justice; as
the fruit of the sacred vine, Lord of the Dance, the young stag who masters the old; as the Barley
King, I dance and laugh and sing of the spirit that never can be broken, of the potency of the life force
coursing through my loins to bring increase and abundance, as fields and the animals and humankind
are made fertile by the sacred coupling beneath the may bowers and blossoming trees.

‘Birth follows death, plenty follows dearth, creation follows necessary destruction, and so renewed, I
dedicate myself to the sanctity of all life ruled by the highest of intent and in humility in the hour of
my greatest triumph.’