
Zodiacal Candles

Candles etched with zodiacal signs may be used to represent people born during a particular Sun period.

They may then be burnt in rituals for different purposes.

For instance, you can burn your own zodiacal candle at a time when you need confidence or to assert your identity.

Alternatively, you may burn any astrological candles whose strengths you need at a particular time, perhaps the courage of Aries before a confrontation or travelling to an unfamiliar location.

You might also use them in a love ritual.

Note also the influence of particular groups of signs of the zodiac.

The cardinal signs – Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn – are so-called because when the Sun moved into these signs, it marked the beginning of a new season – spring, summer, autumn, and winter.

People born under a cardinal sign manifest this as a desire to initiate and to take command of people and situations.

The fixed signs – Leo, Taurus, Aquarius and Scorpio – are signs entered by the Sun in the middle of a season.

People born under them exhibit stability and a tendency to continue in a predetermined path.

The mutable signs -Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo and Pisces – mark the time when the seasons are about to change.

Those born under them are correspondingly versatile and ready to compromise.