Hearthcraft / Pagan Craft

Ritual Soap Spheres

Using a very sharp, thick-bladed knife, cut a four-ounce bar of castile soap into very small pieces no larger than 1/4 inch square-the smaller (as long as they are cubes) the better. Place these in a heatproof nonmetallic container. Heat slightly less than 1/3 cup water until nearly boiling. Pour the still-hot water over the cut up soap. Let it sit until the water has cooled sufficiently to allow you to handle it. Mix the soap and water with your hands. This will moisten the soap chips, but they shouldn’t be floating on the surface of the water. If they are, add more soap.

Let the soap and water sit for about nine minutes until mushy. If the soap cubes are still hard, set the bowl in a pan of water and reheat it gently until the soap is soft. While the soap is melting, mix together the oils and empower them with your magickal need. Then add 20-50 drops of the combined oils to the soap/water mixture. Very warm water evaporates the oils, so wait until the water has cooled. Mix them in thoroughly. The scent should be strong; if not, add more oils.

The quality and strength of the oils you use determines the quantity needed to overpower the natural, rather antiseptic scent of genuine castile soap. Just add them until you can smell the oils. Divide the scented soap mass into three or four parts. Form these into spheres with your hands. Place each on a nine inch square piece of cotton cheesecloth. Pull the ends tightly around the sphere. Tie the ends closed with strong string. Repeat with each sphere.

Hang the soap spheres in a warm place for three days, or until the soap is completely hard. When the spheres won’t give to finger pressure, remove the cloth wraps. The soaps are ready to be used in ritual baths. Or, they can be wrapped in clean cheesecloth, labelled, and given as gifts.

Isis Soap

3 parts Myrrh 2 parts Frankincense

1 part Lotus Bouquet

Use before any Egyptian or Isian ritual. Also, wash with this soap to develop spiritual awareness. If you wish, substitute rose water for the water in which the soap chips are melted.

Love Soap

4 parts Geranium 3 parts Palmarosa 2 parts Neroli 1 part Ginger

Wash with this soap to attract love, or prior to love rituals. And again, rose water may be used in the same proportions as plain water in preparing the soap.

Luck Soap

2 parts Vetivert 1 part Orange 1 part Nutmeg

Wash to change your “luck” or to bring positive energies into your life. Orange flower water may be used in place of plain water during soap manipulations.

Money Soap

3 parts Patchouly 2 parts Peppermint 1 part Basil

1 part Pine 1 part Cinnamon

Wash your hands daily with this soap to attract money, or use prior to money-drawing rituals.

Moon Soap

3 parts Sandalwood 2 parts Camphor 1 part Eucalyptus 1 part Lemon

Use before rituals on the Full Moon to attune with its energies.

Protection Soap

4 parts Rosemary 3 parts Basil 1 part Frankincense

1 part Bay 1 part Mint

Wash daily with this soap when you feel the need for protection, or before such spells.

Psychic Soap

3 parts Lemongrass 2 parts Bay 1 part Cinnamon

Wash with this soap to increase your psychic awareness, especially prior to divinatory or psychic workings.

Sabbat Soap

4 parts Sandalwood 3 parts Rosemary 2 parts Patchouly 1 part Cinnamon

1 part Myrrh 1 part Bay 1 part Lemon 1 part Ginger

Use during ritual baths prior to the Sabbats or as a general magickal cleanser.

Witch’s Soap

3 parts Rosemary 2 parts Pine 1 part Cinnamon 1 part Orange

Wash with this soap before rituals of all kinds to increase your personal power.