
Protection magick 1.1

Protection magick and psychic self-defense is a way of life that can be embraced by all magickal practitioners. It is both an empowering and a healthy attitude to take, because it takes the victim mentality right out of your magickal life. When you are actively working on your own protection, you are, in fact, standing strong and coming from a powerful place. By studying the concepts of magickal protection and psychic self-defense, you will gain knowledge and rebuild your own magickal foundation. This solid magickal base then allows you to easily work from a strong and centered space.

This new awareness will then boost your personal power and restore your confidence. By embracing a strong magickal standpoint and discarding fear and negativity, you are, in fact, transforming the negatives in your world and replacing them with positive actions and positive thoughts-which, in turn, attracts other positive energies and situations straight into your life. Most importantly, this new consciousness and insight also allows you to gain self-reliance, poise, and wisdom.