
Writing your own Spells 1.3 Choosing Materials & Correspondences

1 — Select candle colors, herbs, crystals, or stones to charge the spell. Each of these items corresponds to different intentions. That means you can use colored candles, herbs, crystals, and stones to help you get what you want from your spells. Look online or in a book to find which items are best to use for your intention. Then, choose one or more to support your spell. For instance, let’s say you’re doing a love spell. You might use a pink candle, rose quartz, and pink roses to enhance your spell.

2 — Identify the best timing for your spell. Timing is really important in spell work and may influence how effective your spell is. Look up the best time for your spell either online or in a book on magical correspondences. Then, try to do your spell on a day that’s associated with your intentions. For instance, you might perform positive magic to draw things to you during the waxing phase of the moon, which is from the dark moon until the moon is full. Alternatively, perform negative or destructive magic when the moon is waning, which occurs from the full moon until the new moon. Both the full moon and new moon are also considered peak magical times. You might also work with the seasons. Start things during spring when it’s time to plant, grow things during summer when plants are thriving, reap results during harvest, and rest or plan during winter. Similarly, certain days of the week are better for specific intentions. Variation: You can cast a spell anytime you like, so don’t feel like you must wait until the perfect time. However, it’s believed that using the right timing can enhance your chances of success.

3 — Choose a specific deity to address if you want to call on them for help. You may want to call on a deity to help you achieve your intention. Depending on your spiritual beliefs, you might call on your personal deity or a deity who is associated with your intention. Mention your deity in your spell if you want their help.