Techniques to Quieten Your Mind 4

Live in the here and now.

Forget about the errands you have to run tomorrow after work, or the bills you have to pay next week, or the uncertainty of your future that you haven’t even gotten to yet.

When you let thoughts like these ruminate, it can cause great dis-ease within the body, and even lead to anxiety, depression, chronic stress, and other serious problems.

Most anxiety is caused by simply living in a time other than the one we have right now, so bring yourself back to the present whenever you feel your thoughts taking you elsewhere.

By allowing yourself to flow from one moment to the next, just as you did as a child, you will recapture what it means to feel true peace.

Techniques to Quieten Your Mind 3

Meditate on a regular basis.

We suggest meditation a whole lot on our website, but for good reason.

When you meditate, you stop the flow of thoughts bombarding your consciousness every second, and instead move into a space where stillness takes precedence.

While you don’t have to turn off your brain to meditate, many people feel that their thoughts slow down incredibly, and they can observe themselves much easier with controlled breaths and closed eyes.

Meditation simply brings awareness into the body and makes it much easier to cope with daily challenges.

If you want to cultivate more peace in your mind and life, start meditating, or sitting quietly focusing on nothing but your breath for at least ten minutes a day on a daily basis.

You will find that adopting a more peaceful mindset becomes much more attainable.

Techniques to Quieten Your Mind 2

Repeat peaceful words to yourself throughout your day.

Pay attention to your brain at this very moment…what kinds of thoughts do you observe?

Most likely, you will notice that the majority of your thoughts center around what you have to do today, or what someone said that made you angry, or even degrading thoughts about yourself.

Don’t feel bad, though; with so much negativity around us, maintaining a consistent positive mindset isn’t always easy.

However, you can actually counter the negative, stress-inducing thoughts with simple, peaceful words.

Anytime you feel a bout of anxiety coming on, introduce calming words into your awareness, such as:










The last two words in the sequence describe scenery, which you can do as well if it makes you feel peaceful.

Words carry a lot of meaning and power, so use them to your advantage whenever you feel stressed out.

Techniques to Quieten Your Mind 1

Focus on the positive aspects of yourself and your surroundings.

In short, we have collectively created the mass disorder and confusion we observe around us on a daily basis with our thoughts.

We have all allowed negative thinking to prevail for many millennia, so the physical world is merely a product of our thoughts.

By simply shifting your focus to what makes you happy, or what you’re thankful for, you can start to retrain your mind to think more positively.

Consequently, you will start to feel more peaceful since you no longer put so much emphasis on the negativity you perceive within yourself and elsewhere.

Remember, energy flows where attention goes – you can achieve peace by creating awareness behind your thoughts.

Techniques to Quieten Your Mind Introduction

In many ways, the uncontrolled mind resembles a five-year-old child wanting to run amok through the city streets, only able to sit still for a few seconds before getting the urge to jump up again.

If you allow your brain to continuously run a mile a minute without ever interjecting, it will only press on with the madness until you discover that your mind has slowly become a prison.

However, you can actually free your mind, even if it seems impossible in the beginning.

Humans are very adaptable creatures, and pick up on new habits throughout their lives.

So, in this way, our brains become rewired because we have installed a new operating system in our minds: chaos.

To create a peaceful mind, you just need to revert back to your original nature of harmony and balance.

Witchcraft Theory Practice and Meditation

Meditation is a very ancient technique that has been used worldwide by sages, magi, magicians, witches, wizards, and monks who have taught people who have in turn taught others.

The actual word “meditation” is a modern Westernized term for the taming of what could be considered a wild beast-the foreground of one’s mind.

There are degrees, or depths, of meditation that you will become aware of the more you practice this technique.

If you work on the premise of the circle again, then meditation is going within, first to keep within the bounds of that circle, and secondly, to reach the center.

Stop reading for a moment and close your eyes. You will be aware of myriad thoughts and impressions passing through your mindscape.

Try this at intervals during the day and behold! it has the same-constant mental activity.

One of the most difficult but necessary means of not only understanding your true nature but also of using the mindscape in practical magic is through this technique or its variation, contemplation,

This is in a field of either active or passive silence.”‘

Otherwise, all you are doing on your quest is accruing more and more external data for your mind to sift, sort, and categorize.

This is an addiction inherent in the current collection of the Western seeker-eclecticism ending up being a diffusion of personal power, as the individual who doesn’t stay with a Way can never master the tools
inherent in the deepening of that Way.

In the day-to-day round of most people’s lives, there are constant assaults on the emotions, body, creativity, and intellect.

Meditation is the art of halting and transforming these assaults through a positive act of will.

The result is not only coping with these assaults but riding them,as opposed to having them ride you, to the desired outcome with a tranquil mind.

Meditation and Ritual

It is necessary, within ritual, to be completely clear and centered in order to enable the work to proceed with profundity and intensity.

The center is like a doorway to things not currently recognized by the conscious mind.

It is your power pack and acts as a lever to not only affect your interactions with the mundane world, but to actualize reception and transmission of information and perceptions from other realms of reality.

The process of meditation is like a stimulant that helps your center open and close freely and intentionally and more obviously than before.

Mastering Manifestations One: Take your Power Back

Manifestation is about exploring your inner self and exploring it to that extent where your dreams can become part of your regular life.

This is true and it is very much possible because there are people who have learned the art of manifestation and they have made their dreams come true and there is a law known as the law of attraction.

These two terms may sound confusing to you but if you go a little deep and search about them then, you will know that both of these terms are part of our regular life and with little effort, you can learn how to control them.

Manifestation gives you direct control over your life and they make you stronger and humble in the sense that you come to know the realities of your life.

You can see a dream, think about something special, or set a goal for your life but without proper manifestation of those thoughts, dreams, and ideas you will not be able to make them happen and you will not be able to implement them in your life and make these thoughts, dreams, and ideas real.

To take advantage of manifestation, you need to know the exact logic of manifestation in the first place.

Once you know the components and procedure of executing the manifestation techniques then, you can do all those things which are really important in your life.

If you are living a successful life then, it may be not very important for you to think that how did you achieve that success but all that matters is you have achieved it.

This can be a really helpful idea for knowing the importance of manifestation in your personal development.

This is all about thinking and just thinking but not considering how.

Manifestation makes your life better but without telling you how.

This is the simplest form of manifestation that you can know.

Clear thoughts are necessary for manifestation and similar clear thoughts are necessary for personal development.

You need to identify yourself, in order to make yourself more productive and more accurate.

These are very basic things that you need to implement in your life and if you see these things then, most of the things are common in manifestation and personal development.

Similarities between manifestation and personal development There are lots of techniques and tactics which are similar in manifestation and personal productivity.

For example, goal setting is important in both manifestation and personal development because without setting a productive and precise goal, you cannot make yourself productive nor can you achieve manifestation.

Another common thing is to take action, in order to achieve those goals which you set.

This is important and it is also present in both personal development and manifestation that only thinking about the goal will not take you to the goal instead you have to work your way towards your goal by putting in some real effort.

The presence of emotions is another thing that you need to have in both situations because you cannot be productive as long as you do not know about the feeling that you will get after making something real.

The core purpose of this ebook is to introduce some spiritualism in your lives and manifestation is the first thing that makes you believe in spiritualism.

The world around you is the sum of all the thoughts which you have in your mind.

This is the simplest definition of manifestation and there are different ways to achieve manifestation.

You can make your thoughts alive and real by implementing manifestation in your life.

This may sound a little odd but there are people who have been practicing manifestation and it has changed their lives.

There are lots of success stories associated with manifestation and these stories are very much real.

Mastering Manifestations 1.2 : The Power of Concentration

When it comes to manifesting what you want, nothing beats focus and clarity.

Yet most people can’t get clear or remain focused long enough to get what they want.

They keep changing their minds or getting distracted, losing concentration and frittering away their manifestation power.

Here’s how to gain real concentration so that you can manifest what you want.

When talking about manifesting, it means creating outcomes that you want.

Sometimes you have to take intermediate steps to get to your outcome; it’s just part of the manifesting process.

Each step manifests the next step, which ultimately leads to your desire being fulfilled.

Concentrating can help you manifest much faster because it keeps you focused on the next step.

If you know people who get what they want, you may notice that they are very good at keeping concentration for longer periods of time compared with those who seem to struggle to get what they want.

Mastering Manifestations Three Getting Rid of Distractions

We live in a time of constant distractions. You get pull from your concentration and lose our ability to manifest what you want by TV, mobile
devices, and the internet.

Clear away anything that might distract you from your concentration. Exit email. Forget Facebook. Turn off Twitter. Silence your cell phone. Stop texting.

If you’re concerned that you might miss something, set a timer to go off in 15 minutes or longer. Better yet, set it for 90 minutes, a magic length of time that allows you to concentrate and create quickly.

While some people find playing music in the background helps them concentrate, most people will get distracted by the music because it
triggers a memory.

Mastering Manifestations Four Get Comfortable

Have everything you need, set, and ready to go.

Take a bathroom break.

Get some water.

Assemble anything you need to create what you have in mind.

You want to keep complete concentration, not have to break it to get something necessary.

Get comfortable in your space, knowing that you will be able to concentrate and manifest what you want

Mastering Manifestations Five Clear Your Mind

Slowly close your eyes, and take three deep, slow breaths.

On the first breath out, relax as completely as you can. On the second breath out, clear your mind of any thought by just focusing on the feeling of the air leaving your body.

And on the third breath out notice how good it feels to take a few seconds to stop and breathe.

Now you’re ready to tap into your power of concentration to manifest what you want.

Open your eyes, smile, and look forward to concentrating on manifesting what you want.

Mastering Manifestations Six Decide What You Really Want

What do you want to manifest?

It doesn’t matter if it’s a feeling or relationship or an object or an experience.

It’s your desire.

The only rule is you must focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want.

Concentrating on what you don’t want sends your energy in the wrong direction.

Manifestation works in creating new outcomes, not eliminating unwanted outcomes.

Choose one thing that is top of mind for you.

If you have a list of things you want to manifest, choose to concentrate on the one that gets you most excited.

Leave the others for later. There’s plenty of time to get to them later.

What do you desire that you could put all of your energy into getting?

On a scale of one to ten, where one is you couldn’t care less and ten is you would work ’round the clock to do it, how excited do you feel about your desire?

Desires that are a ten become much easier to manifest than a nine.

And anything less than a five will take a very long time, if ever because you’ll find it difficult to concentrate enough to bring them into being.

Mastering Manifestations 1.7: Write Down Your Desire

Writing all these ideas down speeds your process because most people can’t write about an idea and simultaneously think about a different idea.

Writing increases your concentration power.

Be as specific as you can.

The more details you can get, the easier you can concentrate and the faster you’ll manifest what you desire.

For example, if you want to manifest a car, describe it in every way you can.

Describe the color, the brand, the model, the feel of the steering wheel, that great new-car smell, the sound of the stereo, the reaction from your friends then they see you pull up in your new car, the feeling you get as you drive down the street.

The more ways you can describe your desire, the easier it becomes to concentrate and make it so.

Mastering Manifestations 1.8: Get Clear On Why You Want it

If you aren’t completely committed to manifesting your desire and it’s what you really want, work on finding more reasons why you want it.

Write down as many as you can think of.

Don’t worry about what others would think about your reasons.

They can be selfish or selfless, it doesn’t matter. It’s your desire.

And the reasons are the fuel for your concentration.

Mastering Manifestations 1.9: Write Down the Steps to Get There

Now that you are in complete concentration on what you want, you can feel the inspiration building.

Write down the steps that come to mind to get you there. You don’t have to have a complete plan, just the first few steps are enough to get you started.

Begin with what you know and trust that your concentrated energy will bring you everything you need to manifest what you want.

Everything will become clear at the right time as you take concentrated action.

Even if you don’t get everything right, you’ll learn from these detours and quickly make corrections to get you where you want to go.

For example, when you drive your car down the road, you don’t know every move of the wheel in advance of your trip.

But you know what to do in the moment.

At night, your car’s headlights only shine out a few hundred feet, but it’s enough to get you to your destination, showing you what you need to know at the moment you need to know it.

Suggestions for your Magickal Cabinet

Over time you may collect all kinds of tools and equipment to use as you make magickal herbal items, amulets, charge candles for magickal purposes, and much more.

Here is a listing of the basics that you will want to have on hand to always be ready to practice your Craft!


You may want to have at least one herb or resin for each planetary energy so that you are prepared to create any incense, herbal amulet, or poppet whenever the need arises.

For example, Frankincense resin can be used for the sun (success, personal power),

Myrrh resin may be used for the moon (psychic ability, subconscious, dreams),

Red Sandalwood for Mars (energy, courage, protection),

Cinnamon for Mercury (memory, mental sharpness),

Cedar for Jupiter (abundance, growth),

Rose for Venus (love, beauty, art),

Patchouli for Saturn (grounding, protection),

White Willow for Neptune (inspiration),

Nutmeg for Uranus (change, health, visions)

Poppy seeds for Pluto (inner knowledge, karma).

Eventually, it may be an idea to purchase a Mortar and Pestle to Mix and Prepare your herbs

Essential Oils.

The following oils are merely suggestions in order to be able to create ritual oil blends and bath salts,  to add to your rituals.

Frankincense oil for the Sun,

White Sandalwood oil for the Moon,

Honeysuckle oil for Mars,

Lavender oil for Mercury,

Magnolia oil for Jupiter,

Rose oil for Venus,

Patchouli oil for Saturn,

Wisteria oil for Neptune,

Allspice oil for Uranus,

Musk oil for Pluto.

You may also want to have lots of jars, vials, and small containers in which to store your herbal creations.

Keep your herbs and herbal mixtures in a cool, dark, dry place and they’ll last much longer.


Keep on hand these colors –

white (purification),

black (blocking),

green (prosperity, health),

blue (peace, tranquility),

orange (energy, vitality),

pink (love, beauty)

purple (spiritual evolution, meditation).

You may well be purchasing other colors as you develop rituals you want to do, however, the above colors will cover just about anything you may run up against within your rituals and spells.

You may also wish to acquire some candle snuffer matches as well as candle holders.


You may wish to use a small box to keep your charcoal, matches, and lighter in. As well as your sand to set your hot charcoal down and your incense burner.

At times you may choose to burn just Frankincense resin or just Myrrh resin for purification purposes.

It’s a good idea to have an incense spoon to dish out a small number of your incenses so you don’t get incense stuck under your fingernails.

You’ll also want a few small containers to place your incense in on your altar at each ritual.

You may end up with more than one Altar cloth. If this is the case you may want to color-coordinate your altar cloths with the type of energy you’re invoking at various rituals.

It is an idea to have at least one black altar cloth around three foot square for general purposes.

Keep on hand sea salt and spring water for cleansing the energy of objects and casting your Circle.

You’ll need a small container to place your salt in for use on your altar.

Generally speaking, you’ll be using your chalice on your altar to contain your water for cleansing.

You’ll need parchment and a pen for drawing talismans and writing spells.

Some people like to use feather quills and magickal ink for this type of work but you can also use a good quality pen or Sharpies in different colors, too.

Crystals and Stones for General Spellwork.

Jade or green Aventurine for prosperity;

Hematite or Onyx for protection and grounding;

Carnelian or Gold Tiger’s Eye for healing;

Amethyst or Moonstone for meditation or spiritual work.

Get some cord or ribbbon ( possibly non-synthetic) in various colors for tying up herbal amulet bags or cord magick.

You’ll want at least one divination device so you can get information about various things.

This means information about what is going on in your life or to help you decide the best approach for a ritual.

The most commonly used divination tools are Tarot Decks, Pendulums, crystal balls and Rune Stones.

You may wish to acquire a Ritual robe or Tabard.

Ritual robes can be hooded or not as you prefer and tend to slip over the head.

Tabards are robes that are open in the front.

You can never have enough small Storage boxes for candles, incenses, stones, and all of the other accouterments you will collect over time.

Background music can be used to cover up outside noises of sirens, barking dogs, and so on while you are in Circle.

Of course, you’ll also have your Elemental Tools in your Witch’s Cabinet:

Athame (ritual knife),

Wand, Chalice (keep two – one for strictly ceremonial use and the other to mix potions in or scry with), and Pentacle.

You can use a Book of Shadows to record your workings and spells.

As well as a blank book as well for your ongoing thoughts and projects.

Once you have something worked out on paper, you can transfer the information neatly to your permanent Book of Shadows.

Initially, due to space limitations or budget, you may just store your tools and accouterments in a cardboard or plastic storage container that you can obtain at your local hardware store.

Once you have gotten out all of the things you need for a particular work, you can cover this storage box with your altar cloth and use it as your altar as well.

Eventually, you may need an actual cabinet, as it’s amazing how much stuff a Witch can collect!

The Athame in Magick

An athame is, quite simply, a ceremonial knife.

You can obtain an athame from a specialist magical shop, but as I said before, any knife – even a letter opener – will do, although it should preferably have a silver-colored blade.

Athames are traditionally double-edged and black-handled, but a single-edged blade is better if you are new to magick, to avoid unintentional cuts.

There is a vast array of scouting and craft knives available, with black wooden handles on which you can engrave magical symbols such as your zodiacal and planetary glyphs with a pyrographic set obtained from an art shop.

You can also paint moons, stars, spirals, suns, or crosses with silver paint.

The athame is set in the East of the altar and represents the element of Air. Like the sword, it is traditionally used for drawing magical circles on the ground and directing magical Air energies into a symbol.

When you are casting a circle, you can point your athame diagonally towards the ground,  so that you do not need to stoop to draw (which is not very elegant and bad for the back).

With practice, the movement becomes as graceful as with a sword.

The athame can also be used as a conductor of energy, especially in solitary rituals, being held above the head with both hands to draw down light and energy into the body.

This uses the same principle as that of arching your arms over your head to create a light body.

One method of releasing the power is then to bring the athame down with a swift, cutting movement, horizontally at waist level, then thrust it away from the body and upwards once more to release this power.

If others are present, direct the athame towards the center of the circle.

After the ritual, you can drain excess energies by pointing the athame to the ground.

An athame may be used to invoke the elemental Guardian Spirits by drawing a pentagram in the air and for closing down the elemental energies after the ritual.

With its cutting steel of Mars, it is effective in power, matters of the mind, change, action, justice, banishing magick, protection, and for cutting through inertia and stagnation.

The athame is sometimes also associated with the Fire element.

If you don’t like the idea of a full-sized athame, there are some lovely paper knives in the shape of swords or with animal or birds’ heads.

Some covens give each of their members a tiny athame, to be used for drawing down energies during ceremonies.

The main athame is used by the person leading the ritual who may draw the circle, open all four quarters and close them after the ritual.

An athame with a white handle is used for cutting wands, harvesting herbs for magick or healing, carving the traditional Samhain jack-o’-lantern, and etching runes, and other magical or astrological symbols on candles and talismans.

Some practitioners believe that you should never use metal for cutting herbs but instead pull them up, shred them and pound them in a mortar and pestle, kept for the purpose.
Pearl-handled athames are considered to be especially magical.

The Chalice in Magick

The chalice, or ritual cup, used for rituals is traditionally made of silver, but you can also use crystal,glass, stainless steel or pewter.

The chalice represents the Water element and is placed in the West of the altar.

Like the sword, it is a sacred Grail treasure and is a source of spiritual inspiration.

The Grail cup is most usually represented as the chalice that Christ used at the Last Supper, in which His blood was collected after the crucifixion.

As such, it signifies not only a source of healing and spiritual sustenance but also offers direct access to the godhead through the sacred blood it once contained.

Tradition says that the original Grail cup was incorporated by Roman craftsmen into a gold and jeweled chalice called the Marian Chalice after Mary Magdalene.

In Celtic tradition, it became the Cauldron of Dagda.

In rituals, the chalice can be filled with pure or scented water with rose petals floating on top.

The chalice is also central to the sacred rite of cakes and ale that occurs at the end of formal ceremonies – the pagan and the equivalent of the Christian holy communion.

The offering of the body of the Corn God is made in the honey cakes on the pentacle, or sacred dish, and the beer or wine in the chalice is fermented from the sacrificed barley wine.

In primeval times, actual blood was used to symbolize the sacrifice of the Sacred King at Lughnassadh, the festival of the first corn harvest.

The rite goes back thousands of years.

The cakes and ale are consumed by the people acting as High Priestess and Priest in a dual energy rite or by those initiated in those roles.

Crumbs and wine are first offered to the Earth Mother or poured into a libation dish (a small dish for offerings).

Then the priestess offers the priest a tiny cake and then takes one herself and he offers her the wine before drinking himself.

The dual roles work just as well in a single-sex coven.

The cakes and ale are then passed around the circle and each person partakes of the body and blood of the Earth, offering a few words of thanks for the blessings received.

In some groups, each person has an individual chalice set before them, but everyone still drinks one after the other, offering thanks, unless there is a communal chant of blessing before drinking.

The chalice can be filled with wine or fruit juice or water, depending on the needs and preferences of the group.

The cakes and ale ceremony and the male/female chalice rite can both be easily incorporated into a solitary ritual.

The Eye

The eye is considered to be the primary organ of sense perception.

It is closely associated with light, the spirit, and the sun.

The eye symbolizes spiritual and mental perception and is considered to be the mirror of the soul, the organ of spiritual and mental expression.

The right eye is associated with the activity, the future, and the sun.

The left eye is associated with passivity, the past, and the moon.

In some cultures and religions (such as Buddhism), a third eye is envisioned in the middle of the forehead, just above the nose, and is considered to be a symbol of inner vision and power.

In magick, heterotopic eyes are those that have been transferred anatomically to various parts of the body, such as the hands, wings, torso, arms, and different parts of the head.

These eyes are the equivalent of spiritual sight or clairvoyance.

When the eyes are situated on the hand, it signifies that the individual has great clairvoyant powers.

The most widely used eye symbol in magick is that of Horus.

In ancient Egypt, the right eye of Horus, the sky god, was his solar eye, and the left eye was his udjat eye, or eye of the moon.

The udjat eye symbolizes the power of light and was one of the most sacred and powerful protective amulets in Egyptian magic.

Depending on its employment, and surrounding symbolism, the single eye can represent the forces of good or evil as the single eye of god, or the destructive power of the Cyclops.

The Witches Cauldron in Magick

While the word “cauldron” may bring to mind images of Shakespeare’s three witches tossing all kinds of animal parts into a boiling stew for evil purposes, the cauldron is really a symbol of the Goddess and the creative forces of transformation.

Cauldrons appear in many ancient Celtic myths in connection with magical occurrences and continue to influence Witchcraft today.

Associated with the element of water, the cauldron may hold magically charged ingredients for a potion or may be used to allow spell candles to burn out.

It can also be filled with fresh water and used for scrying.

Cast iron is considered the cauldron’s ideal material, though other metals are often used.

Most rest on three legs, with the opening of the cauldron having a smaller diameter than the widest part of the bowl.

Cauldrons can be anywhere from a few inches to a few feet across in diameter, though larger sizes may be considered impractical.

While some Witches may actually brew a magical potion right in the cauldron, the practical constraints of lighting a safe indoor fire underneath it tend to limit this use—often, the “brewing” aspect of the magic is symbolic rather than literal