The Remanifestation of the Ego

Bear in mind that the consciousness of the naked Self has already been awakened. This point — when the Eye of the Void opens — is the Ordeal of the Abyss often spoken of by Crowley; it is the experience of ZAX, The Tenth Aethyr”.

The choice that now lies before the Initiate is whether to ultimately follow the Left-Hand Path or the Right-Hand Path. Let’s take time to consider what this choice entails at this elevated stage. There are actually four shades of choice which are habitually made here, not two. Ranging from the most purely Right to the most purely Left.

1. True Right-Hand Path:

The Right-Hand Path Initiate (such as the Buddhist) seeks the extinction of Self. The ego is left behind on the shores of the Abyss, abandoned for ever. The Right-Hand Path Magister then makes every effort to close the Eye once again in an act of permanent Self-annihilation. In actual fact, the Essence is dispersed throughout the Void and the potential for Remanifestation remains as an unshakable magical Law.

2. Half-Arsed Right-Hand Path:

This is the path of most religions who profess themselves Right-Hand Path. Most of the followers of such creeds simply pay lip service to their beliefs or follow them blindly and without any philosophical struggle on their own part. For such, they never come near the Eye in the Void. It neither opens, nor is it existence suspected. They pay lip service to the greater good and the worship of their god, but remain slaves of the ego, the higher faculties unawakened. Those few who do open the Eye believe it to be a demonic abomination (as, by certain formulae, it is) and reject it loudly, falling back into the unawakened ego, but haunted by nightmares which compel them to inflict suffering upon others as punishment for their own inadequacy.

3. Half-Arsed Left-Hand Path:

This is a upsettingly familiar theme even among those who do their utmost to live accordingly to the principles of the Left-Hand Path. Any Left-Hand Path magician worth their salt will sooner or later stand upon the edge of the Abyss and behold Leviathan staring back at them. Some few will turn their backs in fear at this point and try to retreat, but once seen it cannot be forgotten and they are invariably drawn back again to stand upon the precipice, often for years.

The true Initiate will revel in the immensity of the Mystery of Self and Non-Self and will launch fearlessly into the depths of their inner Hell, opening their own Eye in the Void and Becoming a Black Magus. The problem that then arises is that so many of us – yes, even us – still carry the vestiges, the guilt’s and the attitudes of our Christian indoctrination within us, even though we swear that we don’t. Thus, so many of the Black Magi succeed in opening the Eye in the Void, only to then renounce the ‘lower ego’ altogether and live a life professing piety. Their intent remains true, their magical prowess is not diminished, but they are only half the God they could be and should be.

4. True Left-Hand Path:

This follows the previous course until the Eye in the Void has opened. But this Initiate – a true devotee of the Stooping Dragon – does not then seek an ascetic existence. Freed from the shackles of their everyday personality, they now return to it and embraces it as a long lost brother, with one enormous difference: they are now the Master, no longer the slave. They have transformed compulsion into Indulgence, actualizing the Formula of the Magus.

So why is this Remanifestation of the ego so important?

Why shouldn’t we just leave it behind, with all of its fads and foibles? Surely those who have opened the Eye in the Void are like Gods and the lesser things of Earth should no longer interest them?

The personality is the record of who we have been; of how we came to be at the place we now are. It is the guide to who we may yet become. All of the wonders that enthralled us as a child, all of the lessons we have painfully learned, all of the loves that have stirred our passions, all of the Keys to the Being we are, are encoded in that lowly little personality, so despised by mystics and magicians everywhere.

So reach out and draw it back to yourself, accept it fully with all of its faults and inconsistencies. They may have misguided you once, but you have seen through them now and can accept them for what they are. Embrace it wholeheartedly.

The ego may have been a rubbish master, but it will make a beloved servant. Without it, you lack all sense of purpose. Your ego is already encoded and conditioned by the things that inspire you and ignite your passions. It contains the Keys for your successful operation in the world. And make no mistake: this world is where you are supposed to be.

The Desire and aspiration of the highest, most spiritual spark of your consciousness is to clothe itself in flesh and personality and to Come Into Being here and now. The purpose of Initiation is not to swap one for the other: it is to open the eyes of both, perceive what is Real, and empower the entire Self to its maximum potential, chasing after the shadows of possibilities yet to come.

Source: Extract from APOPHIS, the Draconian Order of Apep by Michael Kelly. A Publication of the Order of Apep.

Superstitions that Could Be Magickal Knowledge

1. Knocking on Wood when ill Omen is presented. Maybe the most popular superstition is knocking on wood every time ill fate is predicted. We actually do this when carriers of bad luck are presented or someone talks ill about you or someone you love.

The Arcane Truth: Knocking on Wood actually comes from the belief that every tree is inhabited by a spirit known as a Hamadryad or Dryad. The action of knocking was practiced by ancient priests to immediately summon this spirit to aid the Priest or Priestess in order to ward off evil or even fulfill a wish. • So next time you knock on wood, remember that you are actually Summoning the Spirits of the Tree.

2. Garlic to Ward off Evil It is very popular all over the Mediterranean Sea, Middle Ease, India & America. Why do we hang garlic? To drive away bad luck or even invite good-luck.

The Arcane Truth: Well little do all these people know that Garlic is actually one of the most potent plants associated with Mars. The energies of this planet is associated with fighting bad luck, warding off evil spirits & gambling! • Even the presence of Garlic creates an aura of protection, warding off maleficent entities. Moreover, it invites good luck & helps us break the bad karma.

3. Black Cats are omens of Bad Luck. Don’t tell me you never even thought of how things are going to turn up when you see a black cat. According to most places of the world, watching a black cat is an omen of bad luck. However did you know that exactly the opposite is believed in the UK? In Britain, they believe that a black-cat is an auspicious omen!

The Arcane Truth: Black cats are in fact omens of change of luck. Nothing more, nothing less. The black cats are here to inform you that a change is coming & you should be ready for it.

4. Covering Mirrors prior Sleeping. Again, this superstition is kinda popular. Mirrors are feared and people like to cover or hide them in the bedroom. If you ask why, they probably tell you silly things. Fear of the unknown is the best answer. But witches know better…

The Arcane Truth: While we are sleeping we may project in the Astral Plane. In this case,if it happens to see our reflection we might get scared and violently be pushed back to our material bodies. This is why witches cover their mirrors. Because they know that sleeping is only a gateway!

5. Tossing Salt to ward off evil. Many people believe that tossing salt behind their back, or towards the source of bad lack can change things. Most usually people toss salt behind their left shoulder, where devil is supposed to be.

The Arcane Truth: Salt is a powerful tool for banishing. Tossing salt with banishing intention usually does the trick. Simple as that, Witches love to carry salt with them in case of ‘spiritual emergency’. Moreover, they like to toss salt behind their left shoulder, to banish the temptations of the ‘left path’, where selfish decisions are made, regardless of the Law of Free Will.

6. The number 13 is associated with Bad Luck. Almost everyone I know avoid this number. It is widely believed that this number is a portal of bad luck. No one wants to sit in this number in a plane, this is why many companies have deliberately ‘erased’ this sequence.

The Arcane Truth: Many ancient religions believe that 13 is messing with the perfect balance of 12. Like Ragnarök in the Nordic religion the problem begun when to gods become 13. Moreover, in Ancient Greece, Hades (Pluto) had to move to the Underworld, to preserve the harmony of 12 Gods on Mount Olympus. In numerology, the number 13 correlates to Martian energies which are unpredictable and associated with wars and accidents.

7. Finding a four leaf clover is lucky. Thanks to Ireland, the four-leaved clover is one of the most popular superstitions all over the world. People are trying to find one in order to be blessed with Good Luck. Even something that depicts a four leaf clover is believed to be a charm of Good Luck.

The Arcane Truth: In Witchcraft, the four-leaved clover is a powerful tool of herbal magic. There are many books of shadows and grimoires who require one. It is used as a powerful attraction mojo employed by success, love and wealth spells. It is even used in banishing or summoning spells!

8. Throwing coins in a river, lake or fountain for luck . There are actually rivers, lakes or fountains who are believed to be extra potent. For example, Fontana di Trevi in Rome, is an extremely popular destination in order to make a wish.

The Arcane Truth: According to the Old Way, old fountains, rivers and lakes are inhabited by Spirits of Water. Throwing coins are a libation to these spirits in order to help you with what you want. Witches actually charge the coin with their intention and then throw it calling the Gods or the Spirits of the Water.

9. Wishing on Dandelions. Many people believe that dandelion seeds will carry your dreams to heavens when you blow them into the air. I remember me as a kid to do so or even try to catch a ‘flying seed’ in order to make another wish.

The Arcane Truth: Dandelions are believed to be extremely powerful in Witchcraft. Dandelions are able to make the impossible, possible! They are used in spells of changing luck and wish spells. They are precious herbs for all witches!

Magick: The Basis of Power

The basis of magic is power. Though magicians have used it for thousands of years, we still don’t know exactly what “power” is. But we do know how to work with it.

Magic is the movement of natural but subtle energies to manifest needed change.

These energies exist within ourselves, within our world, and within all-natural objects in it.

These energies, whether in avocados or in our own bodies, share a common source, even if their specific manifestations are quite different.

Three types of energy are used in magic.

These are personal power, the energy that our bodies possess; earth power, that which resides within our planet and within plants, stones, water, fire, the atmosphere, and animals; and divine power, which has not yet been brought to Earth in specific forms.

Magic always utilizes personal power. In folk magic, Earth power is used as well: the magician arouses (or awakens) her or his own power through visualization or physical exertion.

Then Earth power (the energy that resides within natural objects) is awakened through visualization.

Visualization (the process of creating images in the mind) fine-tunes these energies, altering them in order to make them useful for a specific purpose.

Once this has been accomplished, and it is easily done, the magician blends the two types of energies.

This is usually done through visualization, but there are other techniques available. Food magic is unique in offering a very natural method of uniting these two energies.

A Life with Natural Magick

The natural world is a powerhouse of magickal energy that can be used to amplify our own personal psychic powers and daily lives even if we do not have the time or inclination for a spell. Well, all possess these abilities but they can get blunted by modern life. Working with nature rapidly restores the instinctive connection with our own inner self and you may find as a bonus that you are more intuitive and aware of hidden factors in your every day decision making. At specific times we can tap into the ever changing energies of the sun , the moon , the sea, lakes and rivers as well as the weather . All these magickal  qualities manifest in different flowers , herbs, trees and crystals .

There is nothing strange about our Magickal Powers;  they are parts of our right hemisphere brain function which includes imagination and creativity. Working with symbols and images, the ability that under pins much magick is located in the right hand side of the brain. With practice we can expand possibilities first in our minds and then during rituals to transform the stored energies and magickal meanings contained in every day symbols and images into magickal powers.

For Example….. If we were working with a wax butterfly we made, it may represent a new beginning as that is the meaning given to butterfly’s through out the ages.

The 16TH Century mystic “Teresa of Avila” described the spirit of the body after death as a butterfly emerging from a cocoon. Where as you may not be conscientiously aware of such a symbolism ,(though much of this symbol code is stored in our genes to be awakened in magick ) you may instinctively know that by choosing a butterfly as a symbol in your spell, it would be a joy bringing focus.

Magick could be termed as “The Sister of Psychology  and good magick operates on sound psychological principals.


A heavily charged place of magic.

The Greek goddess of witchcraft, Hecate, was also the goddess of the crossroads, and animals were sacrificed to her at such locations.

It was believed that Hecate appeared at crossroads on clear nights, accompanied by spirits and howling dogs.

Offerings were placed there to propitiate her and ask for her intercession in cases of madness, which was believed to be caused by departed souls.

In Ireland and Wales, it was traditional on Samhain (All Hallow’s Eve), the Druidic new year, to sit at a crossroads and listen for the howling of the wind, which would prophesy the year to come.

During the witch hunts, sorcerers and witches were said to frequent crossroads to conjure the Devil or his demons or make sacrifices to them.

In the sixth century, the sorcerer Salatin conjured the Devil for theophilus at a crossroads.

In 1324 Dame Alice Kyteller, an accused Irish witch, was said to sacrifice cocks to her familiar at a crossroads.

According to Carl G. Jung, a crossroads is a mother symbol; in that respect, it corresponds to the emphasis placed on the Mother Goddess in contemporary witchcraft.

The crossroads also represents the intersection of positive, neutral and negative forces. It is a place of fluxand of change.

What is Black Magick

Alot of practitioners of magick will say there is no color in magick and that’s true to some extent.

But that doesn’t mean the idea of black, white or nature magick doesn’t exist in today’s vocabulary.

Black Magik is typically known as magickal practices with negative intent.

That means doing harm or trying to control others.

Most practitioners of Witchcraft do not associate with these kinds of practices, seeing them as non-productive and producing negative karma.

It goes against the spiritual aspects of the religion and in most cases is considered to be spiritual rape (as in forcing someone to do something they might not normally do).

White Magick

White Magick focuses on positive intent or actions.

Even with positive intent, white magic can be used to control the will of others.

Because of that, it holds a similar accountability as those actions conducted under the concepts of black magic.

Think of it this way.

Conducting healing for a relative dying of cancer in order for that person to continue living is admirable.

But the consequences are you could be forcing that person to live longer in immense pain and suffering for your own selfish need.

Just because White Magick is intended to be helpful doesn’t mean it’s always a good idea to cast.

Magickcal Knowledge

White witchcraft is essentially the process of drawing on ancient wisdom and powers via the collective mind that we as individuals can spontaneously but unconsciously access in our dreams and

In magick, we can use rituals and altered states of consciousness to access this cosmic memory bank at will and in doing so, some believe, draw on the accumulated powers of many generations, especially in healing magick.

This cosmic consciousness – or Great Mind or akashic record, as theosophists call it – is perhaps what made it possible for pyramids to be built at almost the same time in lands as far apart as Egypt and South America, and for shamanism to follow similar patterns in unconnected continents.

By accessing this source of power, we may create a ritual or use certain crystals without consciously knowing their significance, only to find out that our invented spell closely resembles one from another time or culture; we know how to heal without being taught.

Gaining such knowledge has been described as ‘inner-plane’ teaching and if you can trust your own deep intuitions, you need very little formal teaching about magick.

If you scry at the full moon or during one of the ancient festivals, by looking into water and letting images form, this deep wisdom will offer solutions to seemingly impossible dilemmas.

The practice of witchcraft demands great responsibility, for you are handling very potent material when you deal with magick.

The benefit is that by focusing and directing your own inner powers and natural energies you can give form to your thoughts and needs and desires and bring them into actuality.

The more positive and altruistic these focuses are, the more abundance, joy and harmony will be reflected in your own world.

Four Ways to Make Everyday Magickal

For some, magick isn’t something to be contained into back room rituals and secretive assemblies in the dark depths of the forest, it’s something to be celebrated daily and integrated into the most mundane aspects of our lives

Magick, intention, energy can be harnessed and used to make your life better, keep yourself grounded and provide spiritual enlightenment and growth.

Performing small acts of magick daily increases your power and knowledge.

Here are four small ways to make simple daily tasks and actions magickal:

1.The power of herbs, roots and minerals for consumption similar to using potions.

When you cook, be conscious of the magickal properties of the ingredients you’re using, use them with proper intent and focus your magickal intention to get results.

Keep a few crystals in your kitchen for protection, love, good intentions.

2. Walking and chanting, similar to saying spells, creates kinetic energy which powers your magick.

Repeating a phrase or mantra or spell when walking, especially in a natural, forest or rural setting, can ground you, focus your energy and multiply your magickal intention.

3. Music is another example of everyday magick.

Songs, words, instrumentals all offer power and energy both through the music itself and in the movement of your body.

As you dance and connect with the message of music, you amplify your emotions and magickal intention.

4. Cleansing, purifying and grounding magickal tools and yourself is an important part of any ritual.

Focusing in on the elements of cleansing; washing away negative energy, renewal and purity; when you clean your home or in the shower can bring magick to everyday life and take that small piece of ritual and normalize it to make everyday life more magickal and connected to supernatural energy and power.

Integrating small acts of magick into daily life preserves your power, energy and intention and creates a lifestyle promoting your paganism and spirituality.

The Crooked Path of the Outcast

One of the parts of strolling the Crooked Path that is once in a while tended to in books is the feeling of being an untouchable.

What we’re discussing is this feeling of being separated, of being distant from everyone else notwithstanding when you’re in a group, notwithstanding when inside a horde of Pagans, you’ll sit separated from them.

You feel like there’s something among you and them that prevents you from being a piece of it.

You feel especially alone.

Furthermore, it tends to be extremely unsettling, particularly when you don’t know what standpoint it’s maintaining.

So what causes this, since it is by all accounts an extremely widespread ordeal that individuals have as they get further into a Pagan or otherworldly way.

Also, there are some exceptionally viable purposes behind why this ought to happen.

The first of these is that in case you’re following a mysterious way, you’re experiencing encounters that must be imparted to other people who have just been there before you since no one else would truly get it.

There are likewise encounters that you simply don’t have the words to clarify, that even another person who’s been there you can’t truly talk about either, in light of the fact that you can’t discover the words.

You simply need to trust that they’ve been there enough that they realize what you’re attempting to state and get the substance of it that way.

And after that obviously, on the off chance that you have companions who aren’t Pagan, on the off chance that you converse with them about your encounters, they’re going believe you’re somewhat flaky.

Indeed, even the individuals who are Pagan amicable may not by any means comprehend what you’re discussing and may downplay it, or make you feel like uneasy here and there — without importance to, obviously.

What’s more, this can get super discouraging.

I’ve realized individuals who’ve had a horrendous time, and this isn’t something that leaves.

Indeed, even individuals who are Pagan don’t generally comprehend it, on the off chance that they’re not going into it as profoundly as you may be.

Our way is custom fitted to us. We tailor it to suit our very own requirements, so notwithstanding when we’re in a coven or some other sort of gathering; it’s still extremely only a group of people who happen to go a similar way for some time.

It’s somewhat similar to caravanning or carpooling on an excursion.

You didn’t begin with these individuals.

You may not wind up with these individuals.

However, at this moment all of you happen to go a similar place in the meantime.

Thus you travel together for comfort. Be that as it may, you’re still particularly an individual going along your very own way.

Herbs In Magick

There is a long tradition of using herbs for healing, but they have many other uses.

As well as healing rituals, you can place dishes of charged herbs near a bedside in a sickroom or on your healing altar next to a symbol, photograph, or the name of the person to be healed.

However, they are also excellent for emotional support and spiritual empowerment.

For example, if you get stressed on a regular car journey through heavy traffic or on motorways, you may well benefit from a healing or protective herbal sachet in the glove compartment of your car.

In fact, herbs may be used to add their strength to almost any kind of ritual and spell.

As they have such a wide variety of uses in magick, you will probably need quite a large supply.

Fortunately, herbs are, for the most part, very easy to grow – and very ornamental.

If you have a garden you can set aside a small area specifically for cultivating herbs.

Alternatively, you can create an indoor garden of herbs grown in pots, so that you have a ready supply of growing energy.

Once picked, all your herbs can be used either fresh, for example on your altar, or dried, in healing sachets and poppets.

Each herb has its own natural properties and strengths and they also have the benefit of offering dual purposes.

If, for example, you use allspice for a person with digestive or throat troubles, as a bonus both you and the person you heal may experience a gradual upturn in fortune, one of its magical meanings.

Though most of the traditional uses of herbs apply to physical and emotional ills and so are most commonly applied to people – and animals, of course – you can also use them for spells concerning places; for example, herbs for soothing wounds, such as lavender, are equally potent in rituals for healing the Earth or reversing the effects of pollution.

Magickal Intentions – Fidelity

Although magically forcing your loved one to remain faithful is violating one of the precepts of magic (harm none), there are herbs which can be used to gently remind him or her of you, and to guard against unwanted temptations.

Use them with love and care.

Belief, Respect, Ethics, & Responsibility in Magick

Magick cannot be practiced successfully without belief, respect, ethics, and responsibility.

If you do not believe in magick, you will not be able to make magick.

If you do not believe in yourself, and in your ability to work magick, you will not be able to make magick work for you.

If you do not believe that you deserve the blessings that magick can bring, you will not be able to accept blessings—even when they make themselves available to you.

It is possible to faithfully follow the instructions for these or other spells and still not have them work.

You have to believe in magick, believe in yourself, and believe in your ability in order to work magick successfully.

It is dangerous to attempt to use magick unless you have respect for it.

Failure to respect magick can result in having your spells go horribly wrong.

To prevent this from happening, you must respect yourself, respect others, and respect the elements and the Universe, as well as respecting magick.

Do whatever inner work is needed to get to really know yourself, to like and appreciate yourself, before you try to cast spells.

Self-respect gives you the confidence you need to have in order to get spells to work.

To meddle magickally in someone’s life is to disrespect that person.

No matter how good or honorable our intentions may be, we should not cast spells for people unless they ask us for magickal help.

To do otherwise is to invite interference in our own lives and affairs.

Successful magick requires a healthy respect for the elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water).

This is especially true of Fire.

If you leave candles, incense, or anything else burning unattended, you will learn this lesson the hard way.

Respect the Universe by living an honest, ethical, useful life.

Be a good citizen of the Universe.

Try to be of service to others, instead of focusing solely on yourself and your needs.

Protect children, animals, and all who cannot protect themselves.

Be a producer as well as a consumer, and do what you can to help Mother Nature.

We were given a gorgeous planet, but its precious natural resources are dwindling because of human use, abuse, and overuse.

Acknowledge that fact. Respect it by trying to live gently upon the Earth.

Recycle. Be kind to creatures.

Make ethical choices.

Educate yourself about the environment.

Consider it when you buy a car or do anything else that affects the environment.

Everything is connected, so the kind of life you live influences your ability to work magick.

If you respect the Universe, you will find it more responsive to you than if you did not respect it.

Use magick judiciously.

Don’t cast spells for every little problem or issue.

Try ordinary solutions first.

Don’t disturb the gods unless it’s important.

Be responsible for yourself, instead of expecting them to solve your problems for you.

Try to serve magick instead of asking it to serve you.

If you respect magick, it will respect you.

What goes around, comes around.

This means that when we work magick that is kind, positive, and beneficial, blessings will be returned to us.

It also means that if we work magick that is negative, mean-spirited, or harmful, it will rebound upon us in unpleasant ways sooner or later.

Spells are powerful.

They can do great good, but they can also do great harm.

Spells cast in anger, envy, hatred, or any other negative frame of mind are more likely to backfire than they are to work as intended.

Ethics provides a framework in which to safely practice magick. Keep that in mind, and your spells will not hurt you.

To work magick successfully, you must be responsible for yourself and your actions.

This includes accepting responsibility for the results of your spells.

Approaching magick with this in mind helps to keep us on the right path.

It prevents us from casting spells that we later regret.

To rely on magick alone would be unrealistic and irresponsible.

If you cast a spell to find a job, for example, you must also list yourself with employment agencies, send out résumés, go on interviews, and take other appropriate nonmagical actions.

If you do not take those steps, even the best job spell has very little chance of working.

We help our spells to succeed by taking concrete real-world actions to support them.

Magical Ways – Visualization

The most “advanced” magical technique needed in herb magic is visualization; i.e., forming a picture in your mind of your need.

Many books have been written on this subject, for students often complain that they have difficulty visualizing clearly.

Usually, the ability is present but hindered by inhibitions.

Can you, at this moment, see your mother’s face?

What about that of your closest friend, or worst enemy?

This is visualization.

In magic, visualization is used to direct the power by forming a picture of your need: a car, a love, employment, and so on.

If you need an object, visualize yourself owning it; if a job, see yourself working; and if love is needed, visualize a ring slipping onto your finger, or any symbol you associate with love.

The need must be visualized as if you have already obtained it, or as if it has already come to fruition.

Use your creativity and natural visualization talents to really see your need.

Don’t think of the reasons behind your need; simply see it in concrete terms.

As with everything from golf to cooking, practice makes perfect.

Even if you’re never capable of completely visualizing your need, magic will work as long as the intention is there.

Magickal Intentions – Luck

Luck is simply the knack for being in the right place at the right time, saying the right things, and acting on instinct.

If a person is not naturally “lucky” such an ability can be acquired through the use of herbs.

How this “luck” will manifest is left unstated, but luck herbs are usually utilized when a person has had a run of “bad” luck—and wishes to change this to good.

Luck herbs give you the power to make your own “good” luck.

Magical Ways – Other Considerations

This is a convenient heading for a variety of short topics, as evidenced by the diversity of material below.

When possible, bathe before performing magic.

A sachet of purification herbs added to the water can be a great help, also.

Dress in clean, comfortable clothing, or nothing at all, as you wish. Some practitioners wear robes and jewelry but this isn’t necessary.

It is also not necessary to abstain from sex, food, or liquids prior to magic.

Do so if you wish, but it simply isn’t a requirement.

Magickal Intention – Healing

There are many herbs that aid the body’s healing processes.

Some of these are multi-purpose and others specific.

All can be mixed into sachets which, when carried, help the body’s healing powers.

Some are used in incense form, others added to the bath.

Having said this, when a serious condition or severe symptoms occur, obtain medical attention immediately.

Herb magic as with all magic must be backed up with appropriate and timely actions in the physical world.

For example, you cannot perform a spell to pass a test and expect to do so without studying.

Similarly, don’t expect magic to heal you unless at the same time you take care of yourself physically.

This means getting medical help when needed.

Magical Principles

  1. Magic is natural.
  2. Harm none—not even yourself—through its use.
  3. Magic requires effort. You will receive what you put into it.
  4. Magic is not usually instantaneous. Spells require time to
    be effective.
  5. Magic should not be performed for pay.
  6. Magic should never be used in jest or to inflate your ego.
  7. Magic can be worked for your own gain, but only if it harms none.
  8. Magic is a divine act.
  9. Magic can be used for defense but should never be used for attack.
  10. Magic is knowledge—not only of its way and laws, but also of its
    effectiveness. Do not believe that magic works—know it!
  11. Magic is love. All magic should be performed out of love. The
    moment anger or hatred tinges your magic you have crossed the
    border into a dangerous world, one that will ultimately con

Magickal Intention – Exorcism

This ancient form of magic comes in handy today—not necessarily to drive demons from people or buildings, but to clear away the negativity that daily living so amply provides.

Purification herbs are simply less-powerful exorcism herbs and usually do not rid a place of evil entities.

Magickal Intent and Intensity

These are cornerstones of magick, because no spell can be cast without them.

A spell’s purpose, or intent, is what that spell is meant to accomplish.

A spell will not work properly unless you are very clear, in your mind and in your words, about what you mean the spell to do.

Focused intent is crucial in spell-work,

Intensity is the power, passion, and energy that you pour into casting a spell.

If you are ambivalent or uncertain about a spell, it is not likely to be fulfilled.

The more intensity you put into it, the more successful that spell is likely to be.

Keep this in mind when you raise power.