
Vervain is feminine and is ruled by Venus with
the Element of Earth. Good for the ritual
cleansing of sacred space, magical cleansing
baths and purification incenses, it should be
hung over the bed to prevent nightmares.
Vervain is also excellent for use in prosperity
charms and spells as it brings good luck and
inspiration. It should be picked before sunrise.
While it is said to control sexual urges
(supposedly for seven years), it is also used in
love and protection charms, presumably to
ensure fidelity.


Sandalwood is feminine, ruled by the Moon,
and its Element is Air. It has high spiritual
vibrations so should be mixed with frankincense
and burned at the time of the Full Moon.
Anything visualized at this time is said to come
true. It also clears negativity, so is good for
purification, protection and healing workings


Saffron is masculine, ruled by the Sun and the
Element of Fire. It was used in rituals to honour
the Goddess of the Moon, Ashtoreth. It dispels
melancholy and restores sexual prowess in men.
It is used to cleanse the hands in healing
processes and is also used in prosperity incenses.


Patchouli is a feminine plant which is ruled by
Saturn. Its Element is Earth. This plant is
aphrodisiac and an attractant of lovers for either
sex. It is sometimes used in fertility talismans
and can be substituted for graveyard dust. Use it
with green candles to ensure prosperity. Sprinkle
it on money to spread your wealth.

Orris root

Orris root is a feminine plant, is ruled by Venus
and has the Element of Water. The powder is
used as a love-drawing herb and to increase
sexual appeal. Used in charms, amulets, sachets,
incenses and baths it will also protect you. Hung
on a cord it can act as a pendulum.


Mullein is a masculine plant, ruled by Saturn
and has the Element of Fire. This is used for
courage and protection from wild animals and
also from evil spirits. It is also used for cleansing
and purifying ritual tools and altars and the
cleansing of psychic places and sacred spaces
before and after working. It guards against
nightmares and can be substituted for graveyard