In European-American traditions, many people bury candle wax and other remains after a spell is cast. Burial toward the appropriate quarter of the compass is considered a thoughtful way to go about this. Some neo-pagans dispose of ritual or spell remains in a bonfire or fireplace. If the intention of the spell is positive or involves matters around your own home, like blessing, love-drawing, money-drawing, or home protection, it is perfectly acceptable to wrap the materials in a cloth or paper packet and bury them. If you are removing hexes or opposing negativity, you would burn the packet, bury it, flush it into a stream or allow it to blow away on the four winds as far away from your own home as possible. Many people follow tradition and throw the packet over the left shoulder (into the face of the Devil) and walk away without looking back. If the intention of the spell is not centred on matters close to home, or if you do not have a suitable garden, you can wrap the materials in a cloth or paper packet and throw them in running water over your left shoulder and walk away. Alternatively, you can take the materials to a crossroads – any place where two roads cross – and throw the packet into the centre of the crossroads over your left shoulder and walk away.