Journey to the Four Directions – Pointers in Sacred and Shamanic Work
East, West, South, North
In sacred space I ask you forth
Bring your power and your grace
Live within this sacred space
To the East, where the Sun rises, where inspiration and originality are born, please join us so that we may get to know and honor you. We welcome you. To the South, where the jaguar swims, where playfulness and relaxation come from, please join us so that we may get to know and honor you. We welcome you. To the West, where the Sun sets, where intuition and dreams come from, where the harvest is collected, please join us so that we may get to know and honor you. We welcome you. To the North, where the cold comes from, where wisdom and clarity lie, please join us so that we may get to know and honor you. We welcome you. To Father Sky, to Mother Earth, to the creator, the center of all things, please join us so that we may get to know and honor you. We welcome you.
The four directions are spirits, advisors wise in the ways of this world. They deserve the greatest respect, for they came to us at the time of creation and established time and space. Without the four directions, our world would not have a framework within which to function. The Sun would not rise and set at predictable times, our planet would not be hospitable; nor would there be order to our universe. These four spirits anchor the universe that we know. They rule the seasons and our days. The rising and setting of the Sun gives us time, defines our days; the poles define our space. The seasons set the calendar, the year. We plant in the spring; in the summer our crops mature; we harvest in autumn and in the winter, the fields lay dormant, resting for the new life in the spring.
Each direction offers a lesson for each phase of our lives. Master these lessons and become the master of your life. Any problem we might encounter relates to one of the directions. Everything in this world comes from these four directions. They also represent the four sons of Tate, the wind. The other directions are Above, Father Sky; Below, Mother Earth; and the Center, the Creator. Worthy of all the respect of the four cardinal directions, we will address them in a future article.
When doing any sacred work, it is advisable to begin by calling in the support of the directions and focusing your intent by repeating your plea for assistance to each of the directions. At the beginning of this article, you will find an example of how to call in the directions. You are welcome to use this form; it is our gift to you. But as you get to know the directions yourself, we advise that you find your own ways to call and honor them. Ritual is not a static medium of expression. To maintain its power, it must regularly be changed, renewed and updated to fully reflect your current relationship with Spirit.
To be relevant, ritual should also be created by the individual practicing it. How many sad souls monotonously repeat catechisms that, for them, have no meaning? Your communications with Spirit must be as fresh and original as Spirit made you to be. Do not surrender your powerful relationship with Spirit by mindlessly adopting someone else’s form.
Following are four meditations, or journeys, that will help you begin to form relationships with four of the different aspects of Spirit. This is only an outline, a suggestion. As always, we recommend you remain open to changing things as Spirit guides you. The directions may also present themselves to you differently than we describe here. We offer only guidance; you must find your own truth. We do provide, however, a description of the directions as most people will come to know them.
The directions can mean different things to different people. Most tribes indigenous to the Americas honor the directions, and many tribes have different colors and animals to represent each direction. There is beauty and strength in diversity. In nature, diversity is the key to survival.
Honor the directions by respecting the unique ways they present themselves to you. Perhaps in your diversity you will find new ways to bring balance to our world. Let us journey now to the pillars of our reality, the four directions.
Breathe deeply, close your eyes and relax. Picture the Sun rising, a new beginning, a new day lit with the fire of new possibilities. As the Sun climbs in the sky, a jaguar swims across a lush green swamp, then lounges on a warm rock. The Sun sets now; the day is complete. The world’s worries melt away, and the harvest is collected. As the Moon rises in a clear night sky, a cold wind blows, chilling the landscape. A peaceful knowing enters your being as you sit waiting again for the Sun to rise.
Light a candle for the East, for it is the direction of the element of fire. The East is the direction of birth, new life, creation, originality. East Eagle rises with the Sun on its wings, welcoming a new day. The morning Sun illuminates, brings forth the birth of a new beginning, a new day, a new life. Vision is the gift of the East. As Eagle can see the ground clearly from great heights, so you, too, will be granted the genius of foresight and discernment if you but ask for the East’s assistance.
There is freedom, expansiveness here, for traveling to the East encourages you to let go of your old patterns; the sky is the limit now. The East can infuse dense energy with its light, raising vibrations and consciousness. When this happens on a personal level, it can bring new perspective. The East invites you to live in the moment, to be fully present for your renewal. It signifies the springtime of your soul, Easter. In healing, the East relates both to diagnosing an illness, the first step to finding a cure, and the resurrection, the final step in overcoming an illness.
As the Sun rises, greet the East with great respect. Notice the colors that present themselves and the first images that come to your mind. Ask what gifts and teachings the East has to offer you at this time. Ask the East how you can honor it. If you have any questions for the East about new beginnings, original creations or inspiration, ask them now. If you have any issue that relates to the East, ask for support and guidance now. Thank the East. Focus now on the Sun, high in the sky, and a spreading feeling of warmth.
The South is sensuous, playful and vulnerable, the direction of emotions and water. If you are having difficulties with trust and faith, visit the South. The South will teach you the strength of vulnerability. Allow the warmth of the Sun to relax you as you explore the situations and emotions surrounding your vulnerability. Your feelings will alert you to potential problems before they arise. In that there is strength. Trust your emotions. For healing, the second step is to go to the South to shed your oppressive ideas about yourself: who you are and what you do. Like Snake, begin letting go of your old skin, your disease and limitations, and embrace the joy of the South.
As you look down from the sky, greet the South with great respect. Notice the colors that present themselves and the first images that come to your mind. Ask what gifts and teachings the South has to offer you at this time. Ask the South how you can honor it. If you have any questions for the South, about relaxation, growth or trust, ask them now. If you have any issue that relates to the South, ask for support and guidance now. Thank the South. Focus now on the Sun, dipping below the horizon.
At sunset, honor the West by letting go of a limiting perspective. Like Caterpillar, go within a cocoon where the past can be shed. In the morning, you will be reborn like a butterfly into the sunshine. Like Bear’s cave, the West is where our fears, limitations, stale patterns and addictions must be faced alone in the dark and conquered.
The West rules completion, the harvest, maturity, the physical body and the element of earth. If you have problems with aging or your physical body, visit the West to greater understand your physical limitations and the appropriate way to deal with them.
Twilight is the time of the West, when the veils between the worlds are the thinnest, a time when we can look to Spirit to strip us of all the things in our lives that deceive us, that are antiquated or ready to be harvested. For healing, it is necessary now, after shedding the old skin, to dare to dream and create the blueprint for your original self, your natural state of health and beauty. Like Phoenix, the West is always consuming itself, always ready to change. The West helps you to surrender, devour ego and become a hollow vessel for Spirit to work through.
As the Sun sets, greet the West with great respect. Notice the colors that present themselves and the first images that come to your mind. Ask what gifts and teachings the West has to offer you at this time. Ask the West how you can honor it. If you have any questions for the West about physical challenges, endings or fears, ask them now. If you have any issue that relates to the West, ask for support and guidance now. Thank the West. Focus now on the dark night sky and a coolness enveloping your body.
By the light of the Moon, look into a quartz crystal. See the clarity, wisdom and knowledge held in this ancient stone. The East is the direction of the element of air. Sages, wisdom, wolf and whale live in this icy realm. If you are in search of clear, articulate knowledge or guidance, get to know the North. This is the cut and dry realm of the mental plane, the home of the teachers of truth. If you are seeking, you will always find an answer in the North.
Winter is the season of the North, a time of severity and silence for reflection. In healing, the North is the place where you will mentally assimilate all you have accomplished on your road to health. Embrace the change and pass unharmed, without fear, through the valley of death. Prepare for the resurrection and rebirth of the East.
As the Moon rises, greet the North with the utmost respect. Notice the colors that present themselves and the first images that come to your mind. Ask what gifts and teachings the North has to offer you at this time. Ask the North how you can honor it. If you have any questions for the North about miracles, knowledge or the records of ancient wisdom, ask them now. If you have any issue that relates to the North, ask for support and guidance now. Thank the North.
Closing the Directions
Making allies of the four directions will help you move with greater purpose, strength and guidance through your life. Most importantly, like all shamanic work, the primary benefit to working with the directions is to bring much-needed balance to this world, your world and your lives.
When you are finished with your work in the spirit realm, it is important to offer thanks and close the directions. Invite them to stay, but release them to do what they must in the world. This will provide more focus for your intent and add closure to your work.
To the East, where the Sun rises, where inspiration and originality are born, thank you for letting yourself be known to us. Please go if you must, stay if you will. To the South, where the jaguar swims, where playfulness and relaxation come from, thank you for letting yourself be known to us.
Please go if you must, stay if you will. To the West, where the Sun sets, where intuition and dreams come from, where the harvest is collected, thank you for letting yourself be known to us. Please go if you must, stay if you will. To the North, where the cold comes from, where wisdom and clarity lie, thank you for letting yourself be known to us. Please go if you must, stay if you will. To Father Sky, to Mother Earth, to the Creator, the center of all things, thank you for letting yourself be known to us. Please go if you must, stay if you will.